Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 10-16 May 2021. The theme is 'Nature'
[Please scroll down for Welsh]
As part of our service commitment, we share the information below from Mental Health Foundation.
What is Mental Health Awareness Week and why does it matter?
Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event when there is an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. The Mental Health Foundation started the event 21 years ago. Each year the Foundation continues to set the theme, organise and host the Week. The event has grown to become one of the biggest awareness weeks across the UK and globally.
Mental Health Awareness Week is open to everyone. It is all about starting conversations about mental health and the things in our daily lives that can affect it. This year we want as many people as possible – individuals, communities and governments – to think about connecting with nature and how nature can improve our mental health.
However, the Week is also a chance to talk about any aspect of mental health that people want to – regardless of the theme.
What do you actually want people to do during the Week?
The Week is an opportunity for people to talk about all aspects of mental health, with a focus on providing help and advice.
This year we want people to notice nature and try to make a habit of connecting to the nature every day. Stop to listen to the birdsong, smell the freshly cut grass, take care of a house plant, notice any trees, flowers or animals nearby. Take a moment to appreciate these connections.
We also want people to share images/videos/or just sound recordings of the nature on your doorstep (and how this made you feel) on social media using #ConnectWithNature and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
Top tips on how nature can improve mental health
The Mental Health Foundation have posted their top tips on connecting with nature to improve your mental health.
There’s a lot of good research to support the role nature can play in protecting and supporting our mental health.
Here are some top tips by the Mental Health Foundation on how you can build your own connection with nature:
1. Find nature wherever you are
Nature is all around us. It might be a garden, a local park, a nearby beach or open countryside. Even in cities where nature can be harder to find, there’s things community gardens or courtyards to discover and explore. Look out for the unexpected – an urban fox on your way out for the early shift, changes in the weather or birdsong outside your window. Try to notice nature wherever you are, in whatever way is meaningful for you.
2. Connect with nature using all of your senses.
Taking some quiet time to reflect in natural surroundings using all your senses can be a real boost to your mental health. Whether you’re relaxing in the garden or on your way to work, try listening out for birdsong, look for bees and butterflies, or notice the movement of the clouds. All of these good things in nature can help you to find a sense of calm and joy.
3. Get out into nature
If you can, try to spend time visiting natural places - green spaces like parks, gardens or forests – or blue spaces like the beach, rivers and wetlands. This can help you reduce your risk of mental health problems, lift your mood and help you feel better about things. If it feels daunting to get outside, try going with a friend or relative, or picking somewhere familiar.
4. Bring nature to you
Sometimes it’s hard to access natural places because of where you live, how busy you are, how safe you feel or your health. Why not try bringing nature into your home? Having plants in the house is a great way to have something natural to see, touch and smell – pots of herbs from the supermarket are a good start.
If you have a garden, allotment or balcony, think about how you can make the most of it. Grow flowers, plants or vegetables, get a bird feeder and take in the sights and sounds around you.
If planting isn’t your thing, you can also connect to nature through stories, art and sound recordings. Watching films or TV programmes about nature are also great way to connect with and reflect on nature.
5. Exercise in nature
If you're physically able to exercise, try to do it outside – whether it’s a run, cycle or a short walk. Walking or running outdoors in nature may help to prevent or reduce feelings of anger, tiredness and sadness. Try leaving the headphones at home – unless you’re listening to nature sounds of course! Or why not try new routes that bring you closer to green spaces or water?
6. Combine nature with creativity
Try combining creativity with your natural environment. This could involve taking part in creative activities outside, like dance, music, or art. All of these things can help reduce stress and improve your mood. You could also increase your sense of connection by taking photos, writing, drawing or painting pictures of the landscape, plants or animals. Noticing the beauty of nature and expressing this creatively can help you find meaning and an emotional connection to nature that will stay with you for a lifetime.
7. Protect nature
Taking care of something can be a really great way to feel good. And what better thing to take care of than nature? Nature is truly amazing – do what you can to look after nature - in your actions and choices. This can be as simple as recycling, to walking instead of driving, or even joining community conservation or clean-up groups. Taking care of nature can help you feel that you're doing your part, and that can make you feel more positive all round.
These are just a handful of ways you can connect with nature. You can also download their free “Thriving with Nature” guide – created in partnership with WWF-UK
Note to editors: For further information check out Mental Health Foundation website
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Bydd Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl yn cael ei chynnal rhwng 10-16 Mai 2021. Y thema yw 'Natur'.
Fel rhan o'n hymrwymiad gwasanaeth, rydym yn rhannu'r wybodaeth isod gan y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl.
Beth yw Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl a pham ei bod yn bwysig?
Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl yn ddigwyddiad blynyddol pan fydd cyfle i'r DU gyfan ganolbwyntio ar sicrhau iechyd meddwl da. Dechreuodd y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl y digwyddiad 21 mlynedd yn ôl. Bob blwyddyn mae'r Sefydliad yn parhau i osod y thema, trefnu a chynnal yr Wythnos. Mae'r digwyddiad wedi tyfu i fod yn un o'r wythnosau ymwybyddiaeth mwyaf ledled y DU ac yn fyd-eang.
Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl ar agor i bawb. Mae'n ymwneud â dechrau sgyrsiau am iechyd meddwl a'r pethau yn ein bywydau beunyddiol a all effeithio arno. Eleni rydym eisiau i gynifer o bobl â phosibl - unigolion, cymunedau a llywodraethau - feddwl am gysylltu â natur a sut y gall natur wella ein hiechyd meddwl.
Fodd bynnag, mae'r Wythnos hefyd yn gyfle i siarad am unrhyw agwedd ar iechyd meddwl y mae pobl eisiau ei wneud - waeth beth yw'r thema.
Beth ydych chi eisiau i bobl ei wneud yn ystod yr Wythnos?
Mae'r Wythnos yn gyfle i bobl siarad am bob agwedd ar iechyd meddwl, gyda ffocws ar ddarparu help a chyngor.
Eleni rydym am i bobl sylwi ar natur a cheisio gwneud arfer o gysylltu â'r natur bob dydd. Stopiwch i wrando ar ganeuon yr adar, arogli'r glaswellt wedi'i dorri'n ffres, gofalu am blanhigyn tŷ, sylwi ar unrhyw goed, blodau neu anifeiliaid gerllaw. Cymerwch eiliad i werthfawrogi'r cysylltiadau hyn.
Rydyn ni hefyd eisiau i bobl rannu delweddau / fideos / neu ddim ond recordiadau sain o'r natur ar garreg eich drws (a sut gwnaeth hyn i chi deimlo) ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol gan ddefnyddio #Cysylltuâ Natur #WythnosYmwybyddiaethIechydMeddwl
Awgrymiadau ar sut y gall natur wella iechyd meddwl
Mae'r Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl wedi postio eu prif gynghorion ar gysylltu â natur i wella'ch iechyd meddwl.
Mae yna lawer o ymchwil da i gefnogi'r rôl y gall natur ei chwarae wrth amddiffyn a chefnogi ein hiechyd meddwl.
Dyma rai awgrymiadau da gan y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl ar sut y gallwch chi adeiladu eich cysylltiad eich hun â natur:
1. Dewch o hyd i natur ble bynnag yr ydych
Mae natur o'n cwmpas. Gall fod yn ardd, parc lleol, traeth cyfagos neu gefn gwlad agored. Hyd yn oed mewn dinasoedd lle gall natur fod yn anoddach dod o hyd iddo, mae yna bethau gerddi cymunedol neu gyrtiau i'w darganfod a'u harchwilio. Cadwch lygad am yr annisgwyl - llwynog trefol ar eich ffordd allan am y shifft gynnar, newidiadau yn y tywydd neu ganu adar y tu allan i'ch ffenestr. Ceisiwch sylwi ar natur ble bynnag yr ydych, ym mha bynnag ffordd sy'n ystyrlon i chi.
2. Cysylltu â natur gan ddefnyddio'ch holl synhwyrau.
Gall cymryd peth amser tawel i fyfyrio mewn amgylchedd naturiol gan ddefnyddio'ch holl synhwyrau fod yn hwb gwirioneddol i'ch iechyd meddwl. P'un a ydych chi'n ymlacio yn yr ardd neu ar eich ffordd i'r gwaith, ceisiwch wrando am ganeuon adar, edrychwch am wenyn a gloÿnnod byw, neu sylwch ar symudiad y cymylau. Gall yr holl bethau da hyn eu natur eich helpu i ddod o hyd i ymdeimlad o dawelwch a llawenydd.
3. Ewch allan i fyd natur
Os gallwch chi, ceisiwch dreulio amser yn ymweld â lleoedd naturiol - mannau gwyrdd fel parciau, gerddi neu goedwigoedd - neu fannau glas fel y traeth, afonydd a gwlyptiroedd. Gall hyn eich helpu i leihau eich risg o broblemau iechyd meddwl, codi eich hwyliau a'ch helpu i deimlo'n well am bethau. Os yw'n teimlo'n frawychus mynd allan, ceisiwch fynd gyda ffrind neu berthynas, neu bigo rhywle cyfarwydd.
4. Dewch â natur atoch chi
Weithiau mae'n anodd cyrchu lleoedd naturiol oherwydd ble rydych chi'n byw, pa mor brysur ydych chi, pa mor ddiogel rydych chi'n teimlo neu'ch iechyd. Beth am geisio dod â natur i'ch cartref? Mae cael planhigion yn y tŷ yn ffordd wych o gael rhywbeth naturiol i'w weld, ei gyffwrdd a'i arogli - mae potiau o berlysiau o'r archfarchnad yn ddechrau da. Os oes gennych ardd, rhandir neu falconi, meddyliwch sut y gallwch wneud y gorau ohono. Tyfwch flodau, planhigion neu lysiau, cael peiriant bwydo adar a chymryd y golygfeydd a'r synau o'ch cwmpas. Os nad plannu yw eich peth chi, gallwch hefyd gysylltu â natur trwy straeon, celf a recordiadau sain. Mae gwylio ffilmiau neu raglenni teledu am fyd natur hefyd yn ffordd wych o gysylltu â natur a myfyrio arni.
5. Ymarfer natur
Os ydych chi'n gallu ymarfer corff yn gorfforol, ceisiwch ei wneud y tu allan - p'un a yw'n rhedeg, beicio neu daith gerdded fer. Gall cerdded neu redeg yn yr awyr agored ei natur helpu i atal neu leihau teimladau o ddicter, blinder a thristwch. Ceisiwch adael y clustffonau gartref - oni bai eich bod chi'n gwrando ar synau natur wrth gwrs! Neu beth am roi cynnig ar lwybrau newydd sy'n dod â chi'n agosach at fannau gwyrdd neu ddŵr?
6. Cyfuno natur â chreadigrwydd
Ceisiwch gyfuno creadigrwydd â'ch amgylchedd naturiol. Gallai hyn gynnwys cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau creadigol y tu allan, fel dawns, cerddoriaeth neu gelf. Gall yr holl bethau hyn helpu i leihau straen a gwella'ch hwyliau. Gallech hefyd gynyddu eich synnwyr o gysylltiad trwy dynnu lluniau, ysgrifennu, tynnu llun neu baentio lluniau o'r dirwedd, planhigion neu anifeiliaid. Gall sylwi ar harddwch natur a mynegi hyn yn greadigol eich helpu i ddod o hyd i ystyr a chysylltiad emosiynol â natur a fydd yn aros gyda chi am oes.
7. Amddiffyn natur
Gall gofalu am rywbeth fod yn ffordd wirioneddol wych o deimlo'n dda. A pha beth gwell i ofalu amdano na natur? Mae natur yn wirioneddol anhygoel - gwnewch yr hyn a allwch i edrych ar ôl natur - yn eich gweithredoedd a'ch dewisiadau. Gall hyn fod mor syml ag ailgylchu, cerdded yn lle gyrru, neu hyd yn oed ymuno â grwpiau cadwraeth cymunedol neu lanhau. Gall gofalu am natur eich helpu i deimlo eich bod yn gwneud eich rhan, a gall hynny wneud i chi deimlo'n fwy cadarnhaol yn gyffredinol.
Dim ond llond llaw o ffyrdd y gallwch chi gysylltu â natur. Gallwch hefyd lawrlwytho eu canllaw “Ffynnu gyda Natur” am ddim - a grëwyd mewn partneriaeth â WWF-UK
Nodyn i'r golygyddion: Am wybodaeth bellach edrychwch ar wefan y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl
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