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We are part of  Third Sector Support Wales; a network of support organisations for the third sector in Wales.


Thanks to funding from Welsh Government, we deliver Third Sector Support in Denbighshire across four pillars of activity:

We deliver service level agreements with other public sector funders in relation to health, social care and wellbeing, and enterprise development and have considerable expertise in public engagement campaigns, and proactive sector support linked to grant fund distribution - getting the money out to voluntary and community groups and third sector organisations to enable #DenbighshireVolunteers to keep on doing great things.


We have service expertise in the area of wellbeingenterprise development and affordable high quality learning and training provider. We can also provide bespoke consultancy based on member and partner requests around our core areas of expertise underpinned by community engagement and facilitation and public engagement campaigns. This makes us an ideal partner for public service organisations wishing to engage the sector and communities in a way that facilitates community led conversations and inspires trust and confidence.  


From small scale initiatives like our #Autism Awareness campaign and grant distribution programmes such as the Welsh Church Act or Youth Led Grants right through to larger scale ICF grant fund distribution to the third sector in Denbighshire and across North Wales, DVSC has a tried, tested, scaleable and high impact model of service delivery, which has been well received by funders and the voluntary and community groups and third sector organisations benefitting from our support.


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Hello again … … today we have a small favour to ask. Volunteers, voluntary and community action and the third sector are at the heart of building more sustainable and resilient communities and we need them more than ever.


DVSC receives core funding from the Welsh Government but we need to raise more money so that we can continue to provide excellent sector support - whether you're a volunteer,  voluntary and community group or a third sector organisation.


We can provide a wealth of information and resources and we want to keep our services as accessible as we can, and to reach as many groups as we can.  So we think it’s fair to ask people who visit us often for their help - if they feel able to give it.


Our Sector Support service is resource intensive, but we are investing in it because we believe providing support to volunteers, voluntary and community groups, charities, social enterprises and community interest companies - has to be at the heart of what we do. If you like what we are about, and you want to help support it, our future would be much more secure.

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