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Engaging our members, influencing Government and our public service partners

DVSC is a membership based charity. Our mission is building resilient communities through voluntary action and social enterprise, providing excellent support for our members and being an influential voice in Denbighshire and North Wales 


As the membership body for volunteers, voluntary and community groups, third sector organisations and social enterprises in Denbighshire, engagement and influencing is a core part of what we do. We receive core funding from Welsh Government to engage and influence our public service partners on behalf of the third sector.

DVSC provides a range of opportunities to engage with us.  





We run a number of networks for our members to come together, share best practice, and raise issues of concern to them.  These networks are by the sector for the sector but we invite partners to these meetings based on member needs, or partner requests, to support collaboration and understanding cross sectors and to provide a space for our members and service beneficiaries to engage and influence public service partners on important issues in an environment that they are comfortable in.  We also hold regular events, and participate in partner's events and activities across the county.   

If you are not yet a member, then join us and add your voice to the debate. And if you are a public sector organisation or business in Denbighshire interested to engage with us, then join us as a Partner.


You can find out more about the networks we facilitate and the way we engage government and public sector partners by clicking on the buttons below.  If you want to present or participate in these networks or forums please email or call the relevant team member.


Social media influencing and engagement

If you don't have the resources to attend our networks you can still engage, and  participate in the online conversation. Engage with us through social media, primarily twitter, and Facebook, and subscribe to our news updates You can also use our Online Community tools to share views and ideas.

Involvement with public sector stakeholder groups

We attend a range of networks and forums as part of Third Sector Support Wales to exchange intelligence and best practice at all levels of the third sector infrastructure to ensure we facilitate the representation of the third sector on regional forums, working in partnership with other North Wales CVCs, our members and wider stakeholders. We also work with the Wales Association of County Voluntary Councils and the Wales Council for Voluntary Action through the third sector scheme to influence Ministers and ensure our views, and intelligence about the impact of policy in practice at the local and regional level is fully understood. We are passionate about making the case for investment in the local third sector infrastructure and getting resources as close to communities as possible.   

Our core funding from the Welsh Government enables us to sit on the following key strategic groups across Denbighshire and Conwy. 





As a small team, we have to prioritise resources according to our service areas and where we are funded to engage at the strategic level. We cannot respond to all engagement requests made of us by partners. 


Nor is it always appropriate for DVSC to be the third sector representative in specialist areas; in these cases, we can facilitate the involvement of our members including (but not limited to) members of the Third Sector Influencing Group so that we can strengthen the third sector voice and impact in Denbighshire and beyond.


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Hello again … … today we have a small favour to ask. Volunteers, voluntary and community action and the third sector are at the heart of building more sustainable and resilient communities and we need them more than ever.


DVSC receives core funding from the Welsh Government but we need to raise more money so that we can continue to provide excellent sector support - whether you're a volunteer,  voluntary and community group or a third sector organisation.


We can provide a wealth of information and resources and we want to keep our services as accessible as we can, and to reach as many groups as we can.  So we think it’s fair to ask people who visit us often for their help - if they feel able to give it.


Our Sector Support service is resource intensive, but we are investing in it because we believe providing support to volunteers, voluntary and community groups, charities, social enterprises and community interest companies - has to be at the heart of what we do. If you like what we are about, and you want to help support it, our future would be much more secure.

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Ruthin, LL15 1AF

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