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Ruthin – 18 January 2021 - DVSC is delighted to launch its fourth Dementia Aware Denbighshire Grant Round. A total of £26,000 is available to support activities and initiatives spreading awareness about dementia throughout the county. The grant is open to the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, town and community councils, small businesses and individuals in Denbighshire.
Due to the #COVID19 public health emergency there is an urgent need for additional support for voluntary and community groups, town and community councils, social enterprises and small business but also individuals who work to spread awareness about dementia or who support people living with dementia and their carers.
Adapted and new projects
DVSC saw many dementia awareness projects and programmes come to a standstill due to restrictions and lockdown. Rethinking and redefining delivery often comes with a cost. Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council now wishes to support these renewed projects. “We are also looking forward to learn about new initiatives that can benefit from our Dementia Aware Denbighshire Community Led Grants”, Lisa Williams, Finance & Business Manager at DVSC explains. “The ultimate aim is to continue to spread dementia awareness throughout Denbighshire and beyond with a response that is safe, effective and boosts community spirit.”
£ 26,000 available
The Dementia Aware Denbighshire Grants have been enabled by funding from the Welsh Government Integrated Care Fund. DVSC has a total of £26,000 to distribute to support voluntary community action in Denbighshire! Grants up to £2,000 are available for Voluntary and Community Groups, Third Sector Organisations, social enterprises and small businesses (less than 100 employees) who operate in Denbighshire. Individuals can apply for grants up to £250.
“Its purpose is to enable community led activity raising awareness about dementia in local communities. Grants are available for events, activities and training sessions, which can raise awareness about dementia and encourage people to turn awareness into action and improvement in their communities or for alternative delivery of existing programmes”, Lisa continues. “We are operating a rapid grant decision-making process with applications being considered on a rolling basis until funds are disbursed.”
To apply for the grant, fill out DVSC’s online application for groups and businesses here or for individuals here.
If you want advice and guidance you contact DVSC’s bilingual Community Support team member, or call him on 01824 702 441.
For more information and updates follow us on Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram and like our DVSC Facebook page. You can also find us on YouTube or subscribe for our news updates:
Rhuthun – 18 Ionawr 2021 - Mae'n bleser gan CGGSDd lansio ei pedwaredd rownd Grantiau Ymwybyddiaeth Dementia Sir Ddinbych. Mae cyfanswm o £ 26,000 ar gael i gefnogi gweithgareddau a mentrau sy'n lledaenu ymwybyddiaeth am ddementia ledled y Sir. Mae'r grant yn agored i'r sector menter wirfoddol, gymunedol a chymdeithasol, cynghorau tref a chymuned, busnesau bach ac unigolion yn Sir Ddinbych.
Oherwydd argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus #COFID19 mae angen cefnogaeth ychwanegol ar gyfer grwpiau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, cynghorau tref a chymuned, mentrau cymdeithasol a busnesau bach ond hefyd unigolion sy'n gweithio i ledaenu ymwybyddiaeth am ddementia neu sy'n cefnogi pobl sy'n byw gyda dementia a'u gofalwyr.
Prosiectau wedi'u haddasu a rhai newydd
Gwelodd CGGSDd lawer o brosiectau ymwybyddiaeth dementia a rhaglenni yn dod i stop oherwydd y cyfyngiadau. Mae ailfeddwl ac ailddiffinio cyflenwi yn aml yn dod â chost. Mae CGGSDd yn dymuno cefnogi'r prosiectau newydd hyn. “Rydym hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at ddysgu am fentrau newydd a all elwa o'n Grantiau Cymunedol Ymwybyddiaeth Dementia Sir Ddinbych,” eglurodd Lisa Williams Rheolwr Cyllid a Busnes CGGSDd. “Y nod yn y pen draw yw parhau i ledaenu ymwybyddiaeth o ddementia ledled Sir Ddinbych a thu hwnt gydag ymateb sy'n ddiogel, yn effeithiol ac yn hybu ysbryd cymunedol.”
£ 26,000 ar gael
Mae ein Grantiau Ymwybyddiaeth Dementia Sir Ddinbych wedi cael eu galluogi trwy arian o Gronfa Gofal Integredig Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae gennym £ 26,000 i'w ddosbarthu i gefnogi gweithredu cymunedol gwirfoddol yn Sir Ddinbych! Mae grantiau hyd at £ 2,000 ar gael ar gyfer gwneuthurwyr newid, Grwpiau Gwirfoddol a Chymunedol, Sefydliadau Trydydd Sector, mentrau cymdeithasol a busnesau bach (llai na 100 o weithwyr) sy'n gweithredu yn Sir Ddinbych. Gall unigolion wneud cais am grantiau hyd at £250.
“Ei bwrpas yw galluogi gweithgaredd a arweinir gan y gymuned i godi ymwybyddiaeth am ddementia mewn cymunedau lleol. Mae grantiau ar gael ar gyfer digwyddiadau, gweithgareddau a sesiynau hyfforddi, a all godi ymwybyddiaeth am ddementia ac annog pobl i droi ymwybyddiaeth yn gamau gweithredu a gwella yn eu cymunedau neu ar gyfer cyflwyno rhaglenni sy'n bodoli eisoes.”, mae Lisa yn parhau. “Rydym yn gweithredu proses benderfynu grantiau gyflym gyda cheisiadau yn cael eu hystyried ar sail dreigl nes bod cronfeydd yn cael eu talu.”
I wneud cais am y grant, llenwch gais ar-lein CGGSDd ar gyfer grwpiau a busnesau yma neu ar gyfer unigolion yma.
Os ydych chi eisiau cyngor ac arweiniad, cysylltwch ag aelod tîm Cymorth Cymunedol dwyieithog CGGSDd, neu ffoniwch ef ar 01824 702441.
Am fwy o wybodaeth a diweddariadau, dilynwch ni ar Trydar @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram a hoffwch ein tudalen Facebook CGGSDd. Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i ni ar You Tube neu tanysgrifiwch am ein diweddariadau newyddion: