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CYFEILLION DIGIDOL SIR DDINBYCH Lansio cynllun gwirfoddoli digidol i helpu pobl i fynd ar y We
Mae Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych, Cymunedau Digidol Cymru a Cyngor Sir Ddinbych wedi dod ynghyd i lansio cynllun gwirfoddolwyr digidol yn y Sir i gynorthwyo’r trigolion sydd angen cymorth gyda thechnoleg digidol.
Mae’r pandemic wedi tanlinellu yn fwy nag erioed fod cynhwysiad digidol yn hanfodol. Heb dechnoleg, byddai wedi bod yn anodd iawn cadw mewn cysylltiad gyda theulu ag ffrindiau yn ystod y cyfnod clo.
Mae technoleg yn gallu newid bywyd, yn gallu helpu pobl i fod yn fwy annibynol ac yn hwb i iechyd meddwl ac mae’r cyfeillion digidol wedi cael eu recriwitio i gynnig cymorth angenrheidiol iddynt dros y ffon
Dywedodd Gareth Jones o Gyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych: “Mae cymunedau led-led Cymru ag enwedig yn Sir Ddinbych wedi dod at ei gilydd yn ystod y pandemig, ac amcan y cynllun Cyfeillion Digidol yw i fanteisio ar y egni hwnnw, o fewn ein cymunedau i gefnogi ein gilydd”.
Dywedodd y Cyng. Bobby Feeley, sy’n arwain ar lles uniglion ar ran Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, “Mae’r pandemig wedi dod i’r amlwg yr angen am gymorth digidol fwy nag erioed. Ar ddechrau’r pandemig, roedd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn gallu dysgu’n sydyn ar sut i gadw mewn cysylltiad, ond i eraill o fewn ein cymunedau, fe brofwyd hi’n anodd iawn. Gobaith y cynllun hwn yw cyrraedd y bobl hynny sydd angen cefnogaeth ychwanegol er mwyn sicrhau fod ein cymunedau yn parhau mewn cysylltiad”.
“Mae’r Cyngor yn credu ei bod yn hanfodol i gefnogi’r cynllun hwn, am ei fod yn gam cadarnhaol at gefnogi’r bobl sydd ei angen”.
Dywedodd Deian ap Rhisiart ar ran Cymunedau Digidol Cymru, “Yr ydym wedi gweithio yn y maes cynhwysiad digidol ers dros ddegawd ar hyd a lled Cymru, ag mae hwn yn ymateb amserol i daclo’r bwlch mewn sgiliau. Mae pobl angen gallu cadw mewn cysylltiad, i fedru defnyddio gwasanaethau digidol, i ofalu am ei iechyd meddwl mewn cyfnod clo, ac mae technoleg yn rhan ganolog o’r ateb”.
Fe fydd y Cyfeillion Digidol yn dechrau cynorthwyo pobl dros y ffôn fis nesaf ac un o’r gwirfoddolwyr yw Keith Jones: "Mae yna berygl fod rhai pobl yn cael eu gadael ar ôl. Mae hyn wedi dod yn fwy amlwg yn ystod y pandemig. Dwi eisiau defnyddio fy sgiliau i gynorthwyo”.
Os ydych yn gwybod am berthynas neu ffrind sydd wedi derbyn tabled neu ffôn clyfar dros y Nadolig ac angen cymorth ar sut i’w ddefnyddio, mae’r cynllun hwn yn awyddus i glywed gennych er mwyn eich paru gyda chyfaill digidol.
Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch gyda Gareth Jones ar 01824 702441 neu ebostio office@dvsc.co.uk.
Cyfaill Digidol Keith Jones
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Digital volunteering scheme launched to help people get connected
Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council, Digital Communities Wales and Denbighshire County Council have teamed up to launch a new digital volunteering scheme in Denbighshire to help those that need assistance with digital technology.
The pandemic has highlighted more than ever that digital inclusion is fundamental and without technology it would be extremely difficult to stay connected with family, friends and loved ones in lockdown. However, there are still people who are not as confident in using tablets and smartphones, and the aim of this scheme is to reach out to those that feel left behind and help them acquire those invaluable digital skills.
Technology can be life changing, can make people more independent and boost mental health. Denbighshire Digital Buddies have been recruited to offer much needed help over the phone.
Gareth Jones of Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council, said: “Communities across Wales and especially in Denbighshire have come together during this pandemic, and our digital buddies scheme aims to tap into that positive energy within our communities to support each other”.
Cllr Bobby Feeley, Denbighshire County Council’s Lead for Wellbeing and Independence said: “This pandemic has brought to light the need for digital assistance more than ever. At the beginning of this pandemic most people were able to learn quickly on how to stay in touch, but for others in our community, they found it extremely difficult. This scheme will hopefully reach those people who need extra help and helped keep our communities connected".
“The Council felt it was essential for us to support this scheme, as it is a positive step forward to helping those in need”.
Deian ap Rhisiart of Digital Communities Wales said: “We have been working in the field of digital inclusion for nearly a decade across Wales, and this is a timely response to tackle the digital skills gap. People need to be able to stay connected, to be able to use digital services, sustain their mental health in lockdown, and
technology is an integral part of the solution”.
Digital Buddies will begin to assist people over the phone next month.
Volunteer Keith Jones said: "There is a danger of some people in society being left behind. This has become more evident during the pandemic. I would like to use my skillset to assist”.
Digital Buddy Keith Jones
If you have or know of a relative or friend that has received a tablet or smartphone for Christmas and require help how to use it, the scheme would like to hear from you and they can be paired up with a Digital Buddy.
Please contact Gareth Jones on 01824 702441 for further information or e-mail office@dvsc.co.uk.
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