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Mwy o gyrsiau wedi'u hychwanegu!
Dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf mae CGGSDd wedi gweithio gyda llawer o aelodau o'r
gymuned, sefydliadau gwirfoddol, grwpiau cymunedol a chynghorau tref a chymunedol i
ledaenu ymwybyddiaeth am ddementia ledled Sir Ddinbych.
I gysylltu efo'n Rhaglen Gymunedol Ymwybyddiaeth Dementia Sir Ddinbych rydym wedi sefydlu rhaglen hyfforddi ddiddorol ac amrywiol. Bydd y rhan fwyaf o'r cyrsiau'n cael eu cynnal drwy gyfrwng Zoom a gellir ymuno am DDIM . Ym mis Chwefror a mis Mawrth rydym yn gobeithio cynnal un neu ddau o'r cyrsiau wyneb yn wyneb. Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn archebu eich lle yn fuan.
Edrychwch ar y cyrsiau sydd gennym i'w cynnig ar ddechrau 2022:
Ail-fyw – Profi Dementia
12/01/2022 & 01/02/2022–9:30yb – 1:00yp
Mae'r cwrs wedi'i anelu at weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol proffesiynol a'r rhai sydd am gael gwybodaeth a mewnwelediad i brofiad person sy'n byw gyda dementia. Bydd y cwrs yn tywys pobl drwy gyfres o ymarferion profiadol byw ar-lein sy'n rhoi cipolwg pwerus ar brofiad dementia.
Gwahoddir mynychwyr i ymgysylltu â phrofiad emosiynol a seicolegol dementia, gan archwilio'r cwestiynau "beth petawn i'n byw gyda dementia, sut fyddwn i'n teimlo, beth fyddai ei angen arnaf?"
Bydd yn helpu mynychwyr i ddatblygu safbwyntiau tosturiol a gwell dealltwriaeth rhwng staff, pobl sy'n byw gyda dementia ac aelodau o'r teulu.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am hyfforddiant Ail-fyw ar gael yma
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu eich lle:
12/01/2022 -
01/02/2022 -
Gwella Cyfathrebu â phobl sy'n Byw gyda Dementia
19/01/2022 9:30yb – 12:30yp
Mae'r cwrs hwn yn archwilio egwyddorion cyfathrebu, gan gynnwys yr heriau a'r cymhlethdodau yr ydym i gyd yn eu hwynebu wrth gyfathrebu. Byddwn hefyd yn nodi sut y gall dementia effeithio ar allu unigolyn i gyfathrebu a'r heriau ychwanegol y mae hyn yn eu creu. Bydd cynrychiolwyr yn dysgu strategaethau a sgiliau i oresgyn yr heriau hyn ac yn cyfathrebu'n effeithiol â phobl sy'n byw gyda dementia, gan gynnwys cyfathrebu geiriol a di-eiriau.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu eich lle:
Cefnogi pobl â Dementia a Gwendidau eraill
27/01/2021 – 9:30yb – 4:30yp
Bydd y cwrs hwn yn rhoi'r wybodaeth a'r sgiliau i ddysgwyr i gydnabod pobl sy'n byw gyda dementia a gwendidau eraill, gan gynnwys anableddau dysgu, Down syndrome, awtistiaeth a phroblemau iechyd meddwl. Bydd y cwrs hwn yn diffinio'r gwahaniaethau rhwng yr ystod o gyflyrau a sut y gall y symptomau effeithio ar
gyfathrebu ac ymddygiad. Bydd yn rhoi'r hyder i gynrychiolwyr gydnabod gwendidau, cyfathrebu'n briodol a rhoi cymorth, gan gynnwys dealltwriaeth o'r Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu eich lle:
Gweminar Ymwybyddiaeth Colled a Phrofedigaeth
08/02/2022 10.15yb-12.45yb
Yn y sesiwn 2.5 awr hon bydd hyfforddwr proffesiynol yn codi ymwybyddiaeth am golled
ac y broses o alar trwy eich cyflwyno i modelau galar a sut gallai hyn effeithio eich
rhyngweithio o ddydd i ddydd. Bydd yr hyfforddwr nid yn unig yn siarad am alar ar ôl
colli rhywun annwyl, ond byddem hefyd yn edrych i mewn i deimladau o golled y gallai
gofalwyr eu profi pan fydd rhywun yn datblygu dementia.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu eich lle:
Taith Ddementia Rithwir Prestatyn
Y Daith Dementia Rhithwir (TDR) yw'r unig ddull gwyddonol a meddygol o roi'r profiad i berson ag ymennydd iach weld sut mae hi i fyw gyda Dementia.
Mae'r TDR ar gyfer pawb sy'n dod i gysylltiad uniongyrchol neu anuniongyrchol â phobl â dementia. Mae Training 2 CARE yn falch o hyfforddi dros 350,000 o bobl y flwyddyn ac mae llawer o'r rhain drwy'r Daith Dementia Rithwir.
Pan gaiff person â dementia ddiagnosis, mae angen i ni eu cefnogi drwy roi gwir ddealltwriaeth i bobl o'u cwmpas o'r clefyd. Mae'r TDR yn wahanol i unrhyw gwrs hyfforddi ac mae'n rhoi ffenestr i chi weld sut mae hi i fyw gyda dementia.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y TRD ar gael yma
Mae CGGSDd yn cynnig dwy sesiwn yn y bore yn Neuadd Eglwys Plwyf Prestatyn am 09.30 a 10.30 ac dwy sesiwn yn y pnawn am 13.30 a 14.30. Bydd pob sesiwn yn cymryd 2 awr.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu'ch lle:
Cymryd rhan mewn sefyllfaoedd bob dydd
11/02/2022 10.30yb-12.15yp
Wedi'i anelu at staff mewn busnesau, siopau a chanolfannau meddygol sy'n wynebu'r cyhoedd, bydd y sesiwn ar-lein hon yn adeiladu ar gychwyn sylfaenol Cyfeillion Dementia i bobl sydd â chwestiynau pellach yn enwedig o ran ymarferoldeb o gymryd rhan mewn sefyllfaoedd bob dydd:
ymateb i bobl sy'n profi realiti gwahanol
ymateb i bobl sy’n mynegi teimladau cryf.
Gwerthoedd, Hawliau a 'dementia-ism
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu'ch lle:
Fy Mywyd, Fy Nodau
14/02/2022 14:00-15:30
Mae'r sesiwn hyfforddi yn canolbwyntio ar adnodd Fy Mywyd, Fy Nodau sy'n becyn cymorth adsefydlu gwybyddol a gyd-gynhyrchir gan bobl sy'n byw gyda dementia yn ystod y Cyfnod Clo.
Nod y sesiwn yw:
• darparu mwy o wybodaeth am yr ymchwil y tu ôl i Fy Mywyd, Fy Nodau (adsefydlu gwybyddol)
• arddangos Fy Mywyd, Fy Nodau – gan gynnwys disgrifio'r broses o'i greu
• clywed am y rhan a'r effaith y mae hyn wedi'i gael
• eich ysbrydoli i rannu ac annog pobl â dementia i ddefnyddio Fy Mywyd, Fy Nodau
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu'ch lle:
Taith Ddementia Rithwir Prestatyn
Y Daith Dementia Rhithwir (TDR) yw'r unig ddull gwyddonol a meddygol o roi'r profiad i berson ag ymennydd iach weld sut mae hi i fyw gyda Dementia.
Mae'r TDR ar gyfer pawb sy'n dod i gysylltiad uniongyrchol neu anuniongyrchol â phobl â dementia. Mae Training 2 CARE yn falch o hyfforddi dros 350,000 o bobl y flwyddyn ac mae llawer o'r rhain drwy'r Daith Dementia Rithwir.
Pan gaiff person â dementia ddiagnosis, mae angen i ni eu cefnogi drwy roi gwir ddealltwriaeth i bobl o'u cwmpas o'r clefyd. Mae'r TDR yn wahanol i unrhyw gwrs hyfforddi ac mae'n rhoi ffenestr i chi weld sut mae hi i fyw gyda dementia.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y TRD ar gael yma
Mae CGGSDd yn cynnig 2 sesiwn yn y bore yng Nghadeirlan Llanelwy am 9.30 a 10.30. Bydd pob sesiwn yn cymryd 2 awr.Bydd pob sesiwn yn cymryd 2 awr.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu'ch lle:
Cefnogi Pobl â dementia dros y ffôn/ Supporting People with dementia over the phone
28/02/2021 – 13:00yp-16:00yp
Bydd y cwrs rhagarweiniol hwn yn galluogi cyfranogwyr i ddeall y ffyrdd unigryw y mae dementia yn effeithio ar pobl. Bydd cynrychiolwyr yn cael eu galluogi i ddatblygu empathi a dealltwriaeth ddyfnach ac yr offer y maent eu
angen i allu cyfathrebu'n effeithiol dros y ffôn gyda phobl sy'n byw gyda dementia.
Lleoliad: Canolfan Naylor Leyland, Stryd y Ffynnon, Rhuthun
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu eich lle:
Cefnogi Pobl â Dementia a Cholled Clyw /Supporting People with Dementia and Hearing Loss
01/03/2022 – 09.30yp-12.30yp
Gall colli clyw fod yn fwy cyffredin wrth i bobl fynd yn hŷn. I berson sydd â dementia, gall hyn achosi problemau. Nod y cwrs hwn yw darparu gwybodaeth am ddementia, colli clyw a byddardod a gwella gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth ynglyn a sut i gefnogi pobl a gwella cyfathrebu ac ansawdd bywyd.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu'ch lle:
Cefnogaeth ôl-ddiagnostig/Post diagnostic support
08/03/2022 – 10.30-12.15
Cwrs wedi'i gynllunio i helpu staff gofal sylfaenol, meddygon teulu ac iechyd meddwl i bobl hŷn, timau syn ymgysylltu â phobl ac yn eu cefnogi ar ôl derbyn diagnosis dementia.
Yn ystod y sesiwn ar-lein hon byddwn yn rhannu trafodaethau am y profiad o dderbyn diagnosis gan bobl â dementia eu hunain gyda neges galonogol ar gyfer meddygfeydd lleol ar gyfer proses ddiagnostig fwy sensitif.
Amlygu enghreifftiau o sut y gall pobl â dementia fod yn adnodd wrth ddarparu elfen bwysig o raglen hunanreoli drwy greu a chyflwyno eu rhaglen ôl-ddiagnostig eu hunain.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i gofrestru ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn:
Taith Ddementia Rithwir Prestatyn
Y Daith Dementia Rhithwir (TDR) yw'r unig ddull gwyddonol a meddygol o roi'r profiad i berson ag ymennydd iach weld sut mae hi i fyw gyda Dementia.
Mae'r TDR ar gyfer pawb sy'n dod i gysylltiad uniongyrchol neu anuniongyrchol â phobl â dementia. Mae Training 2 CARE yn falch o hyfforddi dros 350,000 o bobl y flwyddyn ac mae llawer o'r rhain drwy'r Daith Dementia Rithwir.
Pan gaiff person â dementia ddiagnosis, mae angen i ni eu cefnogi drwy roi gwir ddealltwriaeth i bobl o'u cwmpas o'r clefyd. Mae'r TDR yn wahanol i unrhyw gwrs hyfforddi ac mae'n rhoi ffenestr i chi weld sut mae hi i fyw gyda dementia.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y TRD ar gael yma
Mae CGGSDd yn cynnig dwy sesiwn yn y bore yng Nghlwb Rygbi'r Rhyl am 09.30 a 10.30 ac dwy sesiwn yn y pnawn am 13.30 a 14.30. Bydd pob sesiwn yn cymryd 2 awr.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu'ch lle:
Cyd-dynnu – cyflwyniad i ddull amgen sy'n canolbwyntio ar y berthynas
22/03/2021 10.30 - 14.15 drwy Zoom
Byddai hyn yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol i gomisiynwyr a hefyd ar gyfer staff gofal cymdeithasol i oedolion ac arweinwyr neu uwch staff eraill sy'n darparu unrhyw wasanaeth yn y gymuned (gofal dydd, canolfannau cyfarfod).
Mae Cyd-dynnu yn ceisio cefnogi cyplau (neu unrhyw bartneriaeth gofalu) i fabwysiadu strategaethau tua adeg y diagnosis er mwyn osgoi llawer o faglau y mae dementia yn eu gosod o fewn perthnasoedd.
Mae hyn yn bwysig o ystyried y rhestr aros amlwg a fydd wedi digwydd ym mhobman mewn gwasanaethau diagnostig a chof. Nid yw pobl wedi rhoi'r gorau i gael dementia yn ystod y cyfnod clo!
Byddwn yn edrych ar:
• Y rhesymeg dros yr ymyriad Cyd-dynnu
• Yr ymateb i'r gwrthgynigion a arsylwyd o fewn cydberthnasau
• Dealltwriaeth o ddwy ochr y berthynas sy'n rhoi gofal
• Ymarferoldeb cyflwyno sesiynau Cyd-dynnu ffurfiol
•Beth sydd ei angen i ymgorffori hyn yn eich darpariaeth gwasanaeth bresennol
Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i archebu'ch lle:
Os hoffech mwy o wybodaeth am unrhyw un o'r cyrsiau uchod, cysylltwch â ni.
Rydym yn gweithio'n galed i ychwanegu mwy o gyrsiau a byddwn yn eich ddiweddaru am gyrsiau newydd sy'n cael eu hychwanegu trwy e-bost a'n sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Yn olaf, os na allwch fynychu'r digwyddiadau hyn ond am gael gwybod am ddigwyddiadau'r dyfodol dilynwch ein tudalen Eventbrite a bydd hyn yn eich hysbysu yn awtomatig am ddigwyddiadau sydd am ddod yn fuan.
Cofion cynnes
Becky Bowcott
Swyddog Lles Cymunedol - Ymwybyddiaeth Dementia Sir Ddinbych CGGSDd
More courses added!
Over the last three years DVSC has worked with many members of the community,
voluntary organisations, community groups and town and community councils to
spread awareness about dementia throughout Denbighshire.
Linking in with our Dementia Aware Denbighshire Community Led Programme we have
set up an interesting and diverse training programme. Most of the courses will be run through the medium of Zoom and are FREE to join. In February and March we are hoping to run a couple of the courses face to face. Places are limited so please make sure you book your place soon.
Check out the courses that we have on offer for the first months of 2022 below:
Re-live – Experiencing Dementia
12/01/2022 & 01/02/2022 – 9.30am-1.00pm
The course is aimed at health and social care professionals and those who want to gain knowledge and insight into the experience of a person living with dementia. The course will guide people through a series of live online experiential exercises which provide a powerful insight into the experience of dementia.
Attendees will be invited to engage with the emotional and psychological experience of dementia, exploring the questions “what if it was me living with dementia, how would I feel, what would I need?”
It will help attendees develop compassionate perspectives and a greater understanding between staff, people living with dementia and family members.
More information about Re-live training can be found here
For more information and to book your place:
12/01/2022 -
01/02/2022 -
Improving Communication with people Living with Dementia
19/01/2022 9.30am-12.30pm
This course explores the principles of communication, including the challenges and complexities we all encounter when communicating. We will also identify how dementia can impact a person’s ability to communicate and the additional challenges this creates. Delegates will learn strategies and skills to overcome these challenges and effectively communicate with people living with dementia, including verbal and non-verbal communication.
For more information and to book your place: Supporting people with Dementia and other Vulnerabilities
27/01/2021 – 9.30-4.30pm This course will equip learners with the knowledge and skills to recognise people living with dementia and other vulnerabilities, including learning disabilities, Down's syndrome, autism and mental health problems. This course will define the differences between the range of conditions and how the symptoms can affect a person's communication and behaviour. It will provide delegates with the confidence to recognise vulnerabilities, communicate appropriately and provide support, including understanding of the Mental Capacity Act For more information and to book your place:
Loss and Bereavement Awareness webinar
08/02/2022 - 10.15am-12.45pm
In this 2.5 hours session a professional trainer will raise awareness about loss and
the process of grief by introducing you to the models of grief and how this might affect
your day to day interactions. The trainer will not only talk about grief after losing a loved
one, but will look into feelings of loss carers might experience when someone develops
At the end of the session there will be some time for Q&A.
For more information and to book your place:
Virtual Dementia Tour Prestatyn
The Virtual Dementia Tour (VDT) is the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain the experience of what dementia might be like.
The VDT is for everyone who comes into direct or indirect contact with people with dementia. Training 2 CARE are proud that we currently train over 350,000 people per year and a large amount of these are through the Virtual Dementia Tour.
When a person with dementia is diagnosed we need to support them by giving people around them a true understanding of the disease. The VDT is unlike any training course and gives you a window into what it is like to live with dementia.
More information regarding the VDT can be found here
DVSC are offering two sessions in the morning at 9.30 and 2.30 and two sessions in the afternoon at 13.30 and 14.30 at the Prestatyn Parish Community Hall. Each Session takes 2 hours.
For more information and to book your place:
Engaging in everyday situations 11/02/2022 - 10.30am-12.15pm Aimed at staff in public facing businesses, shops, and medical centres, this online session builds upon the basic Dementia Friends start for people who might have further questions especially around the practicalities of engaging in everyday situations:
responding to people experiencing a different reality
responding to people expressing strong feelings.
Values, Rights and ‘dementia-ism’
For more information and to book your place:
My Life My Goals
14/02/2022 14:00-15:30
The training session focusses on the My Life My Goals resource which is a cognitive rehabilitation toolkit co-produced by people living with dementia during Lockdown
The session aims to:
provide more information on the research behind My Life, My Goals (cognitive rehabilitations)
showcase My Life, My Goals – including describing the process of how we created it
hear about the involvement and the impact this has had
inspire you to share and encourage people with dementia to use My Life, My Goals
For more information and to book your place:
Virtual Dementia Tour St Asaph
The Virtual Dementia Tour (VDT) is the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain the experience of what dementia might be like.
The VDT is for everyone who comes into direct or indirect contact with people with dementia. Training 2 CARE are proud that we currently train over 350,000 people per year and a large amount of these are through the Virtual Dementia Tour.
When a person with dementia is diagnosed we need to support them by giving people around them a true understanding of the disease. The VDT is unlike any training course and gives you a window into what it is like to live with dementia
More information regarding the VDT can be found here
DVSC are offering two sessions in the morning at 9.30 and 10.30 at St Asaph Cathedral. Each Session takes 2 hours.
For more information and to book your place:
Supporting People with dementia over the phone
28/02/2021 – 13:00-16:00 This introductory course will enable participants to understand the unique ways that dementia affects people. Delegates will be enabled to develop a deeper empathy and understanding and gain the tools they need to be able to communicate effectively over the phone with people living with dementia. Venue: Naylor Leyland Centre, Well Street, Ruthin For more information and to book your place: Supporting People with Dementia and Hearing Loss
01/03/2022 – 09.30-12.30 Hearing loss can be more common as people get older. For a person with dementia, this can cause extra problems. This course aims to provide information about dementia, hearing loss and deafness and to improve knowledge and understanding of how to support people and improve communication and quality of life. Venue: Naylor Leyland Centre, Well Street, Ruthin For more information and to book your place: Post diagnostic support
08/03/2022 – 10.30-12.15 A course designed to help primary care staff, GPs and mental health for older people teams engage with and support people after receiving the diagnosis of dementia. During this online session we will share discussions about the experience of receiving a diagnosis from people with dementia themselves with an encouraging message for local GP practices for a more sensitive diagnostic process, Highlighting examples of how people with dementia can be a resource in delivering a big element of self-management programme by creating and delivering their own post diagnostic programme. For more information and to book your place:
Virtual Dementia Tour Rhyl
The Virtual Dementia Tour (VDT) is the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain the experience of what dementia might be like.
The VDT is for everyone who comes into direct or indirect contact with people with dementia. Training 2 CARE are proud that we currently train over 350,000 people per year and a large amount of these are through the Virtual Dementia Tour.
When a person with dementia is diagnosed we need to support them by giving people around them a true understanding of the disease. The VDT is unlike any training course and gives you a window into what it is like to live with dementia.
More information regarding the VDT can be found here.
DVSC are offering two sessions in the morning at 9.30 and 2.30 and two sessions in the afternoon at 13.30 and 14.30 at Rhyl Rugby Club. Each Session takes 2 hours
For more information and to book your place:
Getting Along – an introduction to an alternative relationship-centred approach 22/03/2021 10.30 - 14.15 This would be especially useful for commissioners and also for memory service and front line adult social care staff and other leaders or senior staff providing any community-based service (day care, meeting centres). Getting Along seeks to support couples (or any caregiving partnership) to adopt strategies around the time of diagnosis to avoid a lot of traps that dementia sets within relationships. This is important given the obvious back log that will have occurred everywhere in diagnostic and memory services. People haven’t stopped getting dementia during lockdown! We shall look at:
The rationale for the Getting Along intervention itself
The response to observed antagonisms within relationships
An understanding of both sides of the care giving relationship
Practicalities of delivering formal Getting Along sessions
What’s needed to embed this within your existing service provision#
For more information and to book your place:
If you want more information about any of the above courses, please get in touch.
We are wones to add more courses to our offer and we will keep
you updated on new courses being added via email and our social media channels. Make
Finally, if you cannot attend these events but wish to be informed of future events
please follow our Eventbrite page and this will automatically notify you of upcoming
Kind Regards,
Becky Bowcott
Community Wellbeing Officer - Dementia Aware Denbighshire
For more information and updates follow us on Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram and like our DVSC Facebook page. You can also find us on YouTube or subscribe for our news updates: