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Cronfa Gofal Integredig Conwy a Sir Ddinbych: Canllawiau Trydydd Sector a Ffurflen Cynigion

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Cefndir y Gronfa Gofal Integredig

Nod y gronfa yw gyrru a galluogi gwaith integredig rhwng y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, iechyd, tai, y trydydd sector a’r sector annibynnol. Y bwriad yw helpu ardaloedd i ddatblygu a phrofi dulliau newydd a modelau darparu gwasanaeth a fydd yn cefnogi egwyddorion ategol integreiddio ac atal.Mae gwerthuso a dysgu wrth wraidd y gronfa ac mae’n hanfodol bod prosiectau’r gronfa yn cael eu dylunio gyda hyn mewn cof.Nod y gronfa yw canfod modelau darparu gwasanaeth integredig newydd a dulliau a fydd yn:

  • cefnogi datblygiad gwasanaethau gofal a chymorth integredig ar gyfer unigolion ag anghenion cymhleth, gan gynnwys pobl ag anableddau dysgu, plant ag anghenion emosiynol ac ymddygiadol dwys ac awtistiaeth

  • cynnig cefnogaeth gynnar ac atal anghenion rhag dwysau

  • hyrwyddo iechyd a lles emosiynol yn ogystal ag atal iechyd meddwl gwael

  • cefnogi gofalwyr, gan gynnwys gofalwyr ifanc yn eu rôl ofalu a’u galluogi i gynnal eu lles eu hunain;

Dylai cynigion i’r Gronfa Gofal Integredig gefnogi agweddau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Anabledd Dysgu: Rhaglen Gwella Bywydau, sy’n canolbwyntio ar dair prif flaenoriaeth – lleihau anghydraddoldebau iechyd, cynyddu integreiddio cymunedol a gwella systemau cynllunio ac ariannu. Yn ystod pandemig COVID-19 a’r cyfnod adfer, dylai cynigion fynd i’r afael ag effaith y pandemig ar ddinasyddion hefyd.

Canllawiau: Wrth lenwi eich cynnig, ystyriwch y canlynol:

1 – Beth yw’r broblem rydych chi’n ceisio ei datrys?

Rhoddir blaenoriaeth i brosiectau sy’n canolbwyntio ar:

  • Leihau arwahanrwydd cymdeithasol

  • Gwella lles emosiynol a chorfforol

  • Osgoi cefnogaeth ffurfiol am dâl, neu leihau’r angen amdani

  • Cefnogi unigolion i fabwysiadu ffyrdd o fyw iach

  • Cynyddu annibyniaeth a chadernid

2 – Pa ganlyniad/newid hirdymor ydych chi’n gobeithio ei gyflawni?

Rhoddir blaenoriaeth i brosiectau sy’n canolbwyntio ar:

  • Wella rhwydweithiau, cyfeillgarwch a chylchoedd cymdeithasol ehangach

  • Sicrhau bod unigolion ag anableddau wedi’u hintegreiddio’n well yn eu cymunedau lleol

  • Lleihau dibyniaeth ar ofal a chefnogaeth a reolir

  • Sicrhau bod pobl yn fwy iach ac yn byw'n hirach

  • Sicrhau bod gan bobl ansawdd bywyd gwell

3 – Pwy yw eich cynulleidfa allweddol?

Mae’n rhaid i brosiectau ganolbwyntio ar Blant ag Anghenion Cymhleth, Oedolion ag Anableddau Dysgu a Gofalwyr a’u staff cymorth cyflogedig.

4. Sut mae eich prosiect yn mynd i’r afael â’ch asesiad o anghenion poblogaeth a chynllun ardal?

Roedd yr asesiad o anghenion poblogaeth yn nodi amrywiaeth o themâu trawsbynciol ar gyfer plant ag anghenion cymhleth, oedolion ag anabledd dysgu a gofalwyr gan gynnwys:

  • cefnogi datblygiad cyfeillgarwch a bywydau cymdeithasol;

  • mynd i’r afael â gorbryder ac iselder;

  • annog rhagor o annibyniaeth i bobl anabl;

  • lleihau rhwystrau i gynhwysiant;

  • cynnig gwasanaethau nes at adref;

  • gwella gwaith partneriaeth a chydweithio rhwng sefydliadau

5. Sut bydd y prosiect yn cefnogi blaenoriaethau lleol?

Yng Nghonwy a Sir Ddinbych, byddwn ni’n blaenoriaethu cynigion sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddarparu cyfleoedd cymdeithasol wyneb i wyneb a gweithgareddau i blant ag anableddau a’u teuluoedd, sy’n hyrwyddo lles, rhyngweithio cymdeithasol, chwarae ac annibyniaeth. Yn yr amgylchiadau presennol, bydd angen i unrhyw weithgareddau gael eu darparu yn unol â chanllawiau a chyngor atal a rheoli haint y Llywodraeth. Felly, hoffem weld cynigion a all fanteisio ar ein mannau awyr agored hefyd.

Byddai gennym ddiddordeb penodol mewn cynigion sy’n gallu darparu seibiant byr i ofalwyr ac sy’n gallu diwallu anghenion synhwyraidd unigolion. O ran plant ag anghenion cymhleth, byddem yn croesawu’n arbennig weithgareddau a all ddarparu seibiant i ofalwyr ar ôl ysgol, ar benwythnosau neu yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol, neu sy’n cefnogi pobl ifanc 13-18 oed ag anghenion cymhleth i ryngweithio’n gymdeithasol. Gall seibiant byr i ofalwyr gynnwys gweithgareddau yn y gymuned sy’n darparu ychydig orau oddi wrth eu cyfrifoldebau gofalu, er mwyn caniatáu iddynt wneud rhywbeth iddyn nhw eu hunain, neu seibiant dros nos hirach i unigolion a all ddiwallu eu hanghenion cymdeithasol, lles a datblygiad.

Ar gyfer oedolion ag anableddau dysgu, byddwn yn blaenoriaethu’r cynigion sy’n canolbwyntio ar:

  • gefnogi pobl i ganfod gwaith a/neu fynd i’r afael â’r rhwystrau i gyflogaeth

  • galluogi unigolion i gael mynediad i weithgareddau ar-lein a gwneud y defnydd gorau ohonynt

  • helpu pobl i fod yn fwy annibynnol a/neu yn llai ynysig

Proses a llinell amser

Medi 2021: Ceisiadau wedi’u hysbysebu. Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau 30/09/21

Hydref 2021: Ceisiadau/cynigion yn cael eu cyflwyno a’u casglu

Hydref 2021: Cynigion yn cael eu hystyried a’u sgorio (07/10/21)

Hydref 2021: Hysbysu cynigwyr

Rowndiau ceisiadau pellach (yn amodol ar os fydd unrhyw gyllid yn dal i fod ar gael)

Rhagfyr 2021: Ceisiadau wedi’u hysbysebu. Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau 31/12/21

Ionawr 2022: Ceisiadau/cynigion yn cael eu cyflwyno a’u casglu

Ionawr 2022: Cynigion yn cael eu hystyried a’u sgorio (07/01/22)

Chwefror 2022: Hysbysu cynigwyr

DS dylai pob gweithgaredd prosiect gael eu cwblhau erbyn 31/03/22

Dylid cyfeirio unrhyw ymholiadau at:

Er mwyn cyflwyno cais, llenwch y ffurflen gais yma a’i dychwelyd at Michelle Freeman.


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Conwy & Denbighshire Integrated Care Fund (ICF): Third Sector Guidance & Proposal Form

Background to the ICF

The ICF aims to drive and enable integrated and collaborative working between social services, health, housing, the third and independent sectors. It is intended to help areas to develop and test new approaches and service delivery models that will support the underpinning principles of integration and prevention. Evaluation and learning lie at the core of the ICF and it is essential that. ICF projects should be designed with this in mind. The fund aims to find new integrated service delivery models and approaches that will:

  • support the development of integrated care and support services for individuals with complex needs including people with learning disabilities, children with complex, ‘high-end’ emotional and behavioural needs and autism

  • offer early support and prevent the escalation of needs

  • promote emotional health and wellbeing as well as prevent poor mental health

  • support carers, including young carers, in their caring role & enable them to maintain their own wellbeing;

ICF proposals should support the health and social care aspects of the Learning Disability Improving Lives programme, which focuses on three key priorities – the reduction of health inequalities, increasing community integration & improving planning and funding systems. During the COVID-19 pandemic & recovery period, proposals should also address the impacts of the pandemic on citizens.

Guidance: When completing your proposal please consider the following:

1 - What is the problem you are trying to solve?

Priority will be given to projects which focus on:

  • A reduction in social isolation

  • Improved emotional and physical wellbeing

  • Avoidance or reduction in the need for formal paid support

  • Supporting individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles

  • Increased independence and resilience

2 - What long term outcome/change are you hoping to achieve?

Priority will be given to projects which focus on:

  • Improved networks, friendships and wider social circles.

  • Individuals with disabilities are better integrated within their local communities

  • Reduced reliance on managed care and support

  • People are healthier and live longer

  • People have a better quality of life

3 - Who is your key audience?

Projects must focus on Children with Complex Needs, Adults with Learning Disabilities and Carers and their paid support staff

4. How does your project address your population needs assessment (PNA) and area plan?

The PNA identified a range of cross cutting themes for children with complex needs, adults with an LD and carers including;

  • Supporting the development of friendships and social lives;

  • tackling anxiety and depression;

  • encouraging greater independence for disabled people;

  • reducing barriers to inclusion

  • offering services closer to home;

  • Improving partnership working and collaboration between organisations

5. How will the project support local priorities?

In Conwy & Denbighshire we will prioritise proposals focussed on delivering face to face social opportunities and activities to children with disabilities and their families that promote wellbeing, social interaction, play and independence. In the current circumstances any activities will need to be delivered in line with Government infection protection and control guidance and advice. As such, we would like to see proposals that can also take advantage of our outdoor spaces.

We would be particularly interested in proposals that can provide short breaks for carers and can meet the sensory needs in individuals. In respect of children with complex needs activities that can provide breaks for carers during after school, at weekends or during school holidays or that support 13-18 year olds with complex needs to interact socially would be particularly welcome. Short breaks for carers can include activities in the community that provide a few hours away from their caring responsibilities, to allow them to do something for themselves, or longer overnight breaks for individuals that can meet their social, wellbeing and development needs.

For adults with learning disabilities we will prioritise those proposals which are focused on:

  • supporting people to find work and/or addressing the barriers to employment

  • enabling individuals to access and make best use of online activities

  • helping people to become more independent and/or less isolated

Process and time-line

September 2021: Applications advertised. Closing date for bids 30/09/21

October 2021: Bids/proposals submitted and collated

October 2021: Proposals considered and scored (07/10/21)

October 2021: Proposers notified

Further bidding rounds (subject to any funding still being available)

December 2021: Applications advertised. Closing date for bids 31/12/21

January 2022: Bids/proposals submitted and collated

January 2022: Proposals considered and scored (07/01/22)

February 2021: Proposers notified

NB all project activities to be completed by 31/03/22

Any enquiries should be addressed to:

To submit a bid please complete the application form here and return to Michelle Freeman.


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