Learning Disability & Children with Complex Needs and Carers Integrated Care Fund – Conwy and De
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The Conwy and Denbighshire Learning Disability & Children with Complex Need group is inviting funding proposals from the Third sector. The criteria can be found in the guidance along with the Proposal Form (Annex E) which will need to be fully completed in order to be considered. Deadline for submission of proposals is 30th October 2020.
ICF funding may be used to support the purposes of the Social Services & Wellbeing Act, as listed in Annexe A of the Guidance. It should also support the National wellbeing outcomes that people who need care and support and carers who need support should expect in order to lead fulfilled lives as identified in the National Outcomes Framework.
It should be used to support new projects and services or provide additionality to existing ones.
The Central ICF LD & Children with Complex Needs and Carers group would like to focus on proposals that complement and build on existing projects. A brief summary of each is included below.
If there is something that you feel very strongly is a need and meets the criteria but you cannot see how this links to existing projects please speak with the leads but also please feel free to contact the Chair of the Central ICF LD & Children with Complex Needs and Carers group Ramona Murray to discuss.
Mindful of current circumstances where the project includes face to face interventions please include in your submission contingency planning in the event that further restrictions hamper your ability to deliver as per your original proposal. Your project may to wish to focus on supporting people digitally during the Coronavirus pandemic.
If you would like help with the question about your project outcome and impacts , please contact Jane Boyd, Project Manager tel 03000 852008, jane.boyd@wales.nhs.uk for assistance.
The current projects delivered and their leads are:
Outcome focused progression support / just enough support / transition – DCC / CCBC
Target group is people with learning disabilities, who are ready to leave home for the first time, returning home following residential college and those individuals living with elderly carers.
The project will support a multi organisational response to care and support needs. Occupational Therapy functional assessment is at the heart of the project with the OT working with the person to identify the life skills the person wants to develop and to agree interventions to enable this. This includes taking steps to identify appropriately supported care packages and accommodation, to reduce social isolation, reduce reliance on formal paid support, to adopt positive approaches to risk taking and to support individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles.
Fiona Dennison – CCBC 01492577772 - Fiona.dennison@conwy.gov.uk
Alaw Pearce / Jeni Andrews - DCC 01824 706636 - alaw.pierce@sirddinbych.gov.uk
Children with Complex needs – CBBC / DCC
Families who are at risk of break down as a result of Parenting / caring for a child or young person with Learning Disabilities who presents with severe challenging behaviour. Reduced community presence and integration, parental/ carer isolation, ability to work and impact on mental health and well-being.
The project will provide parents/ carers, siblings and extended family with support as required at the times they find most difficult. This is to encourage enablement by providing a tiered support package. A functional Analysis of behaviour will be completed by one of the Senior Nurses or Clinical Psychologists, this will support the development of a behaviour support plan, presented in a clear, concise way that all the family can follow. Initially 2 Team members will implement the programme where required. Following this the programme will be modelled to all those in the child’s care and then transferred to carers etc with supervised support from member of the Team. This is fading approach, enabling all of those involved with the child to build confidence to provide support at home, avoiding the need for additional respite or placement breakdown.
Integrated Child Development Centres – CCBC / DCC
Targeted to Children 0-5 who have a developmental delay in 2 or more areas and their families/ carers.
The project outcomes are a fully integrated, coordinated Service with consistent eligibility criteria so families can access support from the Service. Coordinated, planned clinics to reduce the frequency of appointments. Tiered intervention service to reduce waiting times. Empower Carers encouraging independence offering blocks of treatment opposed to being placed on an open caseload for a lengthy duration where there is no intervention required
Mandy Williams Jones – Child Development Centre and Child & Adolescent Learning Disability Team – DCC and CCBC (03000) 856644/46 - mandy.williams-jones@wales.nhs.uk
Disability Family worker – Pilot CCBC
Many children, young people and their families with a disability and additional needs need early support and intervention. We know from consultation that many individuals/parents/carers are identifying that they want to be able to access support and services around disabilities within their own local communities and not have to travel to access specialist support. We want to reduce the barriers that individuals with disabilities face, we want to ensure that the individual’s needs are understood and recognised and that they receive the right support at the right time within their local communities.
In Conwy we have 5 Family Support Teams. We have a Disability Family worker working across the 5 areas. They will have the opportunity to work with the Disability Social Work team, the Child Development Centres and the local specialist school to ensure that they are supported to fulfil their responsibilities. The worker will have access to community based resources and activities within the third sector.
Deborah Job / Ffion Edwards Roberts – Disability Family Centre Worker – CCBC
Deboarah Job 01492574091 - Deborah.Job@conwy.gov.uk
Ffion Edwards Roberts 01492 575745 - Ffion.Edwards-Roberts@conwy.gov.uk
Active Support Team – Training the trainers: Raising the bar for individuals with complex needs – DCC / CCBC
Through the provision of training in Active Support the project sets out to develop a model of care that aims to improve the quality of life of adults and young people with intellectual disability by maximizing their engagement in meaningful activities of daily life with appropriate support from staff.
A proven ‘train the trainers’ model will be employed. The project recognises the needs for services to adapt to make sure we can meet the needs of adults and of young people with complex needs as they make the move to adult services. Though providing best practice, high quality support focused on person centred planning principles, evidence and research suggests that we can enhance quality of life and decrease challenging behaviour. This is particularly important with young people as the potential exists to prevent maladaptive patterns of behaviour being established and becoming entrenched.
Simon Sheriff – Active Support – Train the Trainer – DCC and CCBC
01248 682557 - simon.sherriff@wales.nhs.uk
Enhanced support service (Step up and Step Down) - CCBC
Adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s), can have a significant impact on a child or young person's development, requiring specialist care and support to minimise interventions and placement breakdowns. The project will focus on enabling children/young people with the most complex needs to become independent and develop coping skills reducing the need for continued social services input in to adult life. Direct therapeutic support is delivered by designated psychologist. Direct practical and nurturing support is delivered by support workers guided by psychology. Where already in placement foster carers are assisted to be more resilient and children are more effectively supported through difficult times of distress.
Stephanie Peach – Step up Step Down (Looked After Children) – CCBC
01492 575358 - Stephanie.Peach@conwy.gov.uk
Planning for the future – DCC
Target group family carers, including carers of people with Dementia and those carers for people who suffer mental ill health. Often carers will be trying their best and some may not have the information and support they need. The aim is to ensure that carers have the local support and services they need to continue in their caring role.
Encouraging carers to take up the offer of an assessment of their support needs. Offering individual support budgets for carers to spend on respite. Partnership with NEWCIS and the voluntary sector, looking together at how we can identify and support carers in the community.
Contingency planning with people and their carers. Plans will address what needs to happen in the event of the carer being unable to continue caring – in the short term and in the longer term, and this will include detail on how best to support the individual. Advocates will get to know and understand the individual and will support them to communicate their wishes.
Alaw Pearce – DCC 01824 706636 - alaw.pierce@sirddinbych.gov.uk
There is no lower or higher limit on the proposal however the total available funding across Conwy and Denbighshire is in the region of £52,000 (DCC) £30,000 (CBBC) and funding must be spent within the financial year end March 2021. The funding is usually paid in arrears unless there is a case to pay up front e.g. small organisations with minimal reserves. You will need to maintain documentary evidence of spend as we may be audited.
The proposals will be evaluated by the membership of the Central LD & Children with Complex Needs and Carers group. Membership of the group includes, Social Care, Health and CVSC and DVSC. As the available funding is limited some difficult decisions will need to be made between equally compelling proposals and we hope that you will appreciate that decisions will be based on what the group feels will have the greatest impact in meeting the ICF criteria.
Deadline for submission of proposals is 30th October 2020. Approval by 6th November. We envisage approval to start projects as soon as possible. Proposals must be mindful of short timescale for delivery and spending of the funding awarded.
A condition of the award is that the lead for third sector projects are invited to attend the Central LD & Children with Complex Needs and Carers group to report on progress. These meetings will be held remotely until further notice.
Please send your completed Annexe E forms to Ann Westmoreland: annwestmoreland@cvsc.org.uk
Forms to be submitted by 5pm on the 30th October 2020
For more information and updates follow us on Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram and like our DVSC Facebook page. You can also find us on YouTube or subscribe for our news updates: www.dvsc.co.uk
Mae’r grŵp Anableddau Dysgu a Phlant gydag Anghenion Cymhleth Conwy a Sir Ddinbych yn gwahodd cynigion ariannu gan y Trydydd Sector. Gellir dod o hyd i’r meini prawf yn y canllawiau atodol yn ogystal â Ffurflen Gais (Atodiad E) y bydd angen ei chwblhau’n llawn er mwyn cael eich ystyried. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno cynigion yw 30ain Hydref 2020.
Gellir defnyddio cyllid CGI i gefnogi dibenion Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant, fel y rhestrir yn Atodiad A y Canllaw. Dylai hefyd gefnogi’r canlyniadau lles cenedlaethol y dylai pobl sy’n derbyn gofal a chymorth a gofalwyr sydd angen cymorth eu disgwyl er mwyn byw bywydau llawn fel y nodir yn y Fframwaith Canlyniadau Cenedlaethol.
Dylid ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi prosiectau a gwasanaethau newydd neu ddarparu ychwanegedd at rai presennol.
Hoffai grŵp Canolog y Gronfa Gofal Integredig Anableddau Dysgu a Phlant gydag Anghenion Cymhleth a Gofalwyr ganolbwyntio ar gynigion sy’n cyd-fynd â, ac yn adeiladu ar brosiectau cyfredol. Mae crynodeb byr o bob un wedi'i gynnwys isod.
Os oes rhywbeth yr ydych yn ei deimlo yn gryf iawn sy’n angen, ac yn bodloni’r meini prawf ond na allwch weld sut mae'n cysylltu â phrosiectau cyfredol, siaradwch gyda'r arweinwyr ond hefyd mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Chadeirydd grŵp Canolog y Gronfa Gofal Integredig Anableddau Dysgu a Phlant ag Anghenion Cymhleth a Gofalwyr, Ramona Murray i drafod.
Gan ystyried yr amgylchiadau cyfredol lle mae'r prosiect yn cynnwys ymyriadau wyneb yn wyneb, dylech gynnwys yn eich cais manylion cynllun wrth gefn pe bai cyfyngiadau pellach yn amharu ar eich gallu i gyflawni yn unol â'ch cynnig gwreiddiol. Efallai yr hoffai eich prosiect ganolbwyntio ar gefnogi pobl yn ddigidol yn ystod pandemig Coronavirus.
Os hoffech gael help gyda'r cwestiwn am ganlyniad ac effeithiau eich prosiect, cysylltwch â Jane Boyd, Rheolwr Prosiect ffôn 03000 852008, jane.boyd@wales.nhs.uk i gael cymorth.
Y prosiectau cyfredol sy'n cael eu cyflawni, a’u harweinwyr yw:
Cymorth dilyniant sy'n canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau / dim ond digon o gefnogaeth / trosglwyddo - CSDd / CBSC
Y grŵp targed yw pobl ag anableddau dysgu, sy'n barod i adael cartref am y tro cyntaf, gan ddychwelyd adref yn dilyn coleg preswyl a'r unigolion hynny sy'n byw gyda gofalwyr oedrannus.
Bydd y prosiect yn cefnogi ymateb aml-sefydliadol i anghenion gofal a chymorth. Mae asesiad swyddogaethol Therapi Galwedigaethol wrth wraidd y prosiect gyda'r Therapydd Galwedigaethol yn gweithio gyda'r unigolyn i nodi'r sgiliau bywyd y mae'r person eisiau eu datblygu ac i gytuno ar ymyriadau i alluogi hyn. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cymryd camau i nodi pecynnau gofal a llety a gefnogir yn briodol, i leihau arwahanrwydd cymdeithasol, lleihau dibyniaeth ar gymorth ffurfiol â thâl, mabwysiadu dulliau cadarnhaol o gymryd risg ac i gynorthwyo unigolion i fabwysiadu ffyrdd iach o fyw.
Fiona Dennison – CBSC 01492577772 - Fiona.dennison@conwy.gov.uk
Alaw Pearce / Jeni Andrews - CSDd 01824 706636 - alaw.pierce@sirddinbych.gov.uk
Plant ag anghenion cymhleth - CBSC / CSDd
Teuluoedd sydd mewn perygl o chwalu o ganlyniad i Rianta / gofalu am blentyn neu berson ifanc ag Anableddau Dysgu sy'n ymddwyn yn heriol iawn. Llai o bresenoldeb ac integreiddio cymunedol, arwahanrwydd rhieni / gofalwyr, y gallu i weithio ac effeith ar iechyd a lles meddwl.
Bydd y prosiect yn rhoi cefnogaeth i rieni / gofalwyr, brodyr a chwiorydd a theulu estynedig yn ôl yr angen ar yr adegau y maent yn eu cael fwyaf anodd. Mae hyn er mwyn annog galluogi trwy ddarparu pecyn cymorth haenog. Bydd Dadansoddiad swyddogaethol o ymddygiad yn cael ei gwblhau gan un o'r Uwch Nyrsys neu Seicolegwyr Clinigol, bydd hyn yn cefnogi datblygiad cynllun cefnogi ymddygiad, wedi'i gyflwyno mewn ffordd glir gryno y gall yr holl deulu ei ddilyn. I ddechrau, bydd 2 aelod o'r Tîm yn gweithredu'r rhaglen lle bo angen. Yn dilyn hyn, bydd y rhaglen yn cael ei modelu i bawb sy'n ymwneud â'r plentyn ac yna'n cael ei throsglwyddo i ofalwyr ac ati gyda chefnogaeth dan oruchwyliaeth gan aelod o'r Tîm. Bydd y dull hwn yn galluogi pawb sy'n ymwneud â'r plentyn i fagu hyder i ddarparu cefnogaeth gartref, gan osgoi'r angen am seibiant ychwanegol neu leoliad yn chwalu.
Canolfannau Datblygiad Plant Integredig - CBSC / CSDd
Wedi'i dargedu at blant 0-5 sydd â oedi yn eu datblygiad mewn 2 neu fwy o feysydd a'u teuluoedd / gofalwyr.
Canlyniadau'r prosiect yw Wasanaeth cydgysylltiedig cwbl integredig gyda meini prawf cymhwysedd cyson fel y gall teuluoedd gael gafael ar gymorth gan y Gwasanaeth. Clinigau cydgysylltiedig wedi'u cynllunio i leihau amlder apwyntiadau. Gwasanaeth ymyrraeth wedi'i glymu i leihau amseroedd aros. Grymuso Gofalwyr yn annog annibyniaeth gan gynnig blociau o driniaeth yn hytrach na chael eu rhoi ar faich achosion agored am gyfnod hir lle nad oes angen ymyrraeth.
Mandy Williams Jones – Canolfan Datblygu Plant a'r Tîm Anableddau Dysgu Plant a Phobl Ifanc - CSDd a CBSC (03000) 856644/46 - mandy.williams-jones@wales.nhs.uk
Gweithiwr Teulu Anabledd - Peilot CBSC
Mae angen cefnogaeth ac ymyrraeth gynnar ar lawer o blant, pobl ifanc a'u teuluoedd ag anabledd ac anghenion ychwanegol. Gwyddom o'r ymgynghoriad fod llawer o unigolion / rhieni / gofalwyr yn nodi eu bod am allu cael gafael ar gymorth a gwasanaethau o amgylch anableddau yn eu cymunedau lleol eu hunain ac na fydd yn rhaid iddynt deithio i gael mynediad at gymorth arbenigol. Rydyn ni eisiau lleihau'r rhwystrau y mae unigolion ag anableddau yn eu hwynebu, rydyn ni am sicrhau bod anghenion yr unigolyn yn cael eu deall a'u cydnabod a'u bod nhw'n derbyn y gefnogaeth gywir ar yr adeg iawn yn eu cymunedau lleol.
Yng Nghonwy mae gennym 5 Timau Cymorth i Deuluoedd. Mae gennym weithiwr Teulu Anabledd yn gweithio ar draws y 5 ardal. Byddant yn cael cyfle i weithio gyda'r tîm Gwaith Cymdeithasol i'r Anabl, y Canolfannau Datblygu Plant a'r ysgol arbenigol leol i sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi i gyflawni eu cyfrifoldebau. Bydd gan y gweithiwr fynediad at adnoddau a gweithgareddau cymunedol yn y trydydd sector.
Deborah Job / Ffion Edwards Roberts - Gweithiwyr Canolfan Deuluol Anabledd – CBSC
Deboarah Job 01492574091 - Deborah.Job@conwy.gov.uk
Ffion Edwards Roberts 01492 575745 - Ffion.Edwards-Roberts@conwy.gov.uk
Tîm Cymorth Gweithredol - Hyfforddi'r hyfforddwyr: Codi'r bar ar gyfer unigolion ag anghenion cymhleth - CSDd / CBSC
Trwy ddarparu hyfforddiant mewn Cymorth Gweithredol, mae'r prosiect yn ceisio datblygu model gofal sy'n ceisio gwella ansawdd bywyd oedolion a phobl ifanc ag anabledd deallusol trwy gynyddu eu hymglymiad i'r eithaf mewn gweithgareddau ystyrlon bywyd beunyddiol gyda chefnogaeth briodol gan staff.
Defnyddir model ‘hyfforddi’r hyfforddwyr’ profedig. Mae'r prosiect yn cydnabod yr anghenion i wasanaethau addasu i sicrhau ein bod yn gallu diwallu anghenion oedolion a phobl ifanc ag anghenion cymhleth wrth iddynt symud i wasanaethau oedolion. Er ein bod yn darparu arfer gorau, mae cefnogaeth o ansawdd uchel sy'n canolbwyntio ar egwyddorion cynllunio, tystiolaeth ac ymchwil sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn yn awgrymu y gallwn wella ansawdd bywyd a lleihau ymddygiad heriol. Mae hyn yn arbennig o bwysig gyda phobl ifanc gan fod y potensial yn bodoli i atal patrymau ymddygiad heriol rhag cael eu sefydlu a dod yn ddisymud.
Simon Sheriff - Cymorth Gweithredol - Hyfforddi'r Hyfforddwr - CSDd a CBSC
01248 682557 - simon.sherriff@wales.nhs.uk
Gwasanaeth cymorth gwell (Camu i fyny a Camu i Lawr) - CBSC
Gall profiadau niweidiol plentyndod (ACE’s) gael effaith sylweddol ar ddatblygiad plentyn neu berson ifanc, gan ofyn am ofal a chefnogaeth arbenigol i leihau ymyriadau a dadansoddiadau lleoliad. Bydd y prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar alluogi plant / pobl ifanc sydd â'r anghenion mwyaf cymhleth i ddod yn annibynnol a datblygu sgiliau ymdopi gan leihau'r angen am fewnbwn parhaus gwasanaethau cymdeithasol i fywyd oedolyn. Darperir cefnogaeth therapiwtig uniongyrchol gan seicolegydd dynodedig. Darperir cefnogaeth ymarferol a maethlon uniongyrchol gan weithwyr cymorth dan arweiniad seicoleg. Lle maent eisoes mewn lleoliad mae gofalwyr maeth yn cael eu cynorthwyo i fod yn fwy gwydn ac mae plant yn cael eu cefnogi'n fwy effeithiol trwy gyfnodau anodd o drallod.
Stephanie Peach - Camu i fyny Cam i Lawr (Plant Dan Ofal) - CBSC
01492 575358 - Stephanie.Peach@conwy.gov.uk
Cynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol – CSDd
Y grŵp targed yw gofalwyr teulu, gan gynnwys gofalwyr pobl â Dementia a'r gofalwyr hynny ar gyfer pobl sy'n dioddef afiechyd meddwl. Yn aml, bydd gofalwyr yn ceisio eu gorau ac efallai na fydd gan rai y wybodaeth a'r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt. Y nod yw sicrhau bod gan ofalwyr y gefnogaeth a'r gwasanaethau lleol sydd eu hangen arnynt i barhau yn eu rôl ofalu.
Annog gofalwyr i dderbyn y cynnig o asesiad o'u hanghenion cymorth. Cynnig cyllidebau cymorth unigol i ofalwyr eu gwario ar seibiant. Partneriaeth gyda NEWCIS a'r sector gwirfoddol, gan edrych gyda'n gilydd ar sut y gallwn nodi a chefnogi gofalwyr yn y gymuned. Cynllunio rhag rhaid gyda phobl a'u gofalwyr. Bydd cynlluniau’n mynd i’r afael â’r hyn sydd angen digwydd pe na bai’r gofalwr yn gallu parhau i ofalu - yn y tymor byr ac yn y tymor hwy, a bydd hyn yn cynnwys manylion ar y ffordd orau i gefnogi’r unigolyn. Bydd eiriolwyr yn dod i adnabod a deall yr unigolyn ac yn eu cefnogi i gyfleu eu dymuniadau.
Alaw Pearce – CSDd 01824 706636 - alaw.pierce@sirddinbych.gov.uk
Does dim cyfyngiad uchaf nac isaf ar y cynnig, fodd bynnag cyfanswm yr arian sydd ar gael ar draws Conwy a Sir Ddinbych yw oddeutu £52,000 (CSDd) £30,000 (CBSC) a rhaid i gyllid gael ei wario o fewn y flwyddyn ariannol sy’n dod i ben fis Mawrth 2021. Mae’r cyllid fel arfer yn cael ei dalu fel ôl-dal, os nad oes achos i dalu o flaen llaw e.e. sefydliadau bach gydag ond ychydig iawn o arian wrth gefn. Bydd angen i chi gynnal tystiolaeth ddogfennol o wariant gan ei bod yn bosib y byddwn yn cael ein harchwilio.
Bydd y cynigion yn cael eu gwerthuso gan aelodaeth Grŵp Canolog Anableddau Dysgu a Phlant ag Anghenion Cymhleth a Gofalwyr. Mae aelodaeth y grŵp yn cynnwys Gofal Cymdeithasol, Iechyd, Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Conwy a Chyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Dinbych. Gan fod y cyllid sydd ar gael yn gyfyngedig bydd angen gwneud penderfyniadau anodd rhwng cynigion sydd yr un mor dda â’i gilydd, a gobeithiwch y byddwch yn gwerthfawrogi y bydd y penderfyniadau yn seiliedig ar beth mae’r grŵp yn ei deimlo fydd alu cael yr effaith fwyaf ar fodloni meini prawf y Gronfa Gofal Integredig.
Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno cynigion yw 30ain Hydref 2020. Cymeradwyaeth erbyn 6 Tachwedd. Rydym yn rhagweld cymeradwyaeth i gychwyn prosiectau cyn gynted â phosibl. Rhaid i gynigion gofio amserlen fer ar gyfer cyflawni a gwario'r cyllid a ddyfarnwyd.
Un o amodau'r wobr yw bod yr arweinydd ar gyfer prosiectau trydydd sector yn cael ei wahodd i fynychu'r grŵp AD a Phlant ag Anghenion Cymhleth a Gofalwyr i adrodd ar y cynnydd. Bydd y cyfarfodydd hyn yn cael eu cynnal yn rhithiol nes bydd rhybudd pellach.
Anfonwch eich ffurflenni Atodiad E wedi eu cwblhau at Ann Westmoreland annwestmoreland@cvsc.org.uk
Dylid cyflwyno ffurflenni erbyn 5pm ar 30ain Hydref 2020.
Am fwy o wybodaeth a diweddariadau, dilynwch ni ar Trydar @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram a hoffwch ein tudalen Facebook CGGSDd. Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i ni ar You Tube neu tanysgrifiwch am ein diweddariadau newyddion: www.dvsc.co.uk