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Dysgu o Covid-19 / Learning from Covid-19

Learning from Covid-19

COVID-19 has brought about many changes to our working lives and it is important that these changes are captured.

Denbighshire County Council are collecting information about changes that have occurred as a consequence of the pandemic and would like to know about the changes that have taken place in your workplace/organisation.

They would appreciate it if you could take the time to take part in this review. There are a few ways to contribute:

· Submit details of the innovations and changes made through our online survey

· Share a story about the changes made, by arranging a phone call or video, or by sharing your story in our online form.

· Email them with details of the innovation that took place, they're happy to take information in any format, for example, case studies you’ve already written up.

The findings of this review will be used to improve health and social care across North Wales as well as being shared with Welsh Government, who are collecting examples of innovative activity across Wales through the Research, Innovation and Improvement Hubs.

BCUHB are also running a survey for members of the public about their health experiences during the Coronavirus crisis, which Denbighshire County Council will learn from as part of their review. Fill in the Covid Conversations survey here.

If you are already collecting lessons learned or details of changes in response to COVID-19 and would like to link with this work, please let Denbighshire Coucnty Council know. They're working closely with similar projects to share information and avoid duplication.

Please send all your answers back by 31 July 2020.

Many thanks,

Sarah Bartlett Rheolwr Hwb Ymchwil, Arloesi a Gwella | Research, Innovation and Improvement Hub Manager Ffon/Tel: 01824 712038 / 07919573916 ebost/email: /

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Dysgu o Covid-19

Mae COVID-19 wedi achosi llawer o newidiadau i’n bywydau gwaith, ac mae’n bwysig fod y newidiadau hynny yn cael eu cofnodi.

Mae Cyngor Sir Ddinbych yn casglu gwybodaeth am newidiadau sydd wedi digwydd o ganlyniad i’r pandemig a hoffent wybod am y newidiadau sydd wedi digwydd yn eich gweithle / sefydliad chi.

Byddent yn ddiolchgar pe gallech roi ychydig funudau i gymryd rhan yn yr adolygiad hwn. Mae sawl ffordd i gyfrannu:

· Cyflwyno manylion y datblygiadau arloesol a’r newidiadau a wnaed drwy ein harolwg ar-lein.

· Rhannu stori gyda nhw am y newidiadau a wnaed, drwy drefnu galwad ffôn neu fideo, neu drwy rannu eich stori ar ein ffurflen ar-lein.

· Anfon e-bost atynt gyda manylion y datblygiadau arloesol a wnaed, rydym yn ddigon bodlon i dderbyn gwybodaeth ar unrhyw fformat, astudiaethau achos yr ydych eisoes wedi’u hysgrifennu, er enghraifft.

Bydd canfyddiadau’r adolygiad hwn yn cael eu defnyddio i wella iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ar draws Gogledd Cymru, yn ogystal â chael eu rhannu â Llywodraeth Cymru, sydd yn casglu enghreifftiau o weithgareddau arloesol ar draws Gymru drwy’r Hybiau Ymchwil, Arloesi a Gwella.

Mae BIPBC hefyd yn cynnal arolwg i aelodau o'r cyhoedd am eu profiadau iechyd yn ystod yr argyfwng coronafeirws, a Cyngor Sir Ddinbych yn dysgu ohono fel rhan o’u hadolygiad. Cwblhewch yr Arolwg Sgyrsiau Covid yma.

Os ydych eisoes yn casglu gwersi a ddysgwyd neu fanylion newidiadau mewn ymateb i COVID-19 ac yr hoffech gysylltu â’r gwaith hwn, rhowch wybod Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Rydynt yn gweithio’n agos â phrosiectau tebyg i rannu gwybodaeth ac osgoi dyblygu.

Anfonwch eich atebion yn ôl erbyn 31 Gorffennaf 2020 os gwelwch yn dda.

Diolch yn fawr,

Sarah Bartlett Rheolwr Hwb Ymchwil, Arloesi a Gwella | Research, Innovation and Improvement Hub Manager Ffon/Tel: 01824 712038 / 07919573916 ebost/email: /

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