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Test, Trace, Protect / Profi, Olrhain a Diogelu

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As part of our service commitment, we share the information below - from our partner Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - with you.

What is Test, Trace, Protect?

The Test, Trace, Protect (TTP) strategy which launched on 1st June, forms a central part of the Welsh Government’s COVID-19 recovery plan to enhance health surveillance in the community, undertake effective and extensive contact tracing, and support people to self-isolate where required to do so. As the current lockdown restrictions are gradually relaxed, the aim is to find a way for people in Wales to live and work alongside the virus, whilst containing its spread. The TTP structure includes a National Tier (led by Public Health Wales (PHW), a Regional Tier (led by the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Executive Director of Public Health) and a Local Tier (Contact Tracing Teams in each Local Authority Area). Further information can be found here:

Overview of TTP

Test, Trace, Protect will work by:

  • Identifying those who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, enabling them to be tested while isolating from wider family, friends and their community.

  • Tracing those individuals who have been in close contact with the person who has tested positive*, on any occasion during a period beginning up to two days before they started experiencing symptoms (or date of test, if they have no symptoms), and requiring them to self-isolate for 14 days.

  • Protecting people by reducing the onward spread of COVID-19 from cases and their contacts and providing advice and guidance, particularly where the individual who has tested positive or their contacts are vulnerable or at greater risk.

*It is anticipated that TTP will expand to include people who have COVID-19 symptoms (a possible case). If the possible case subsequently has a negative COVID-19 test result and the symptoms are not due to coronavirus, the possible case and their contacts will be able to get back to their normal routines as soon as possible.

What is a case of COVID-19?

A person who has tested positive for COVID-19. The person may or may not have had symptoms of COVID-19.

What is a contact of a case of COVID-19?

A contact is a person who, in the period 48 hours prior to and 7 days after the case’s symptom onset or specimen collection date (if case had no symptoms), had at least one of the following types of contact with the case:

  • A household contact is somebody who lives in the same household as a case.

  • A direct contact is a person who has been within 1 metre of the case and has been coughed on, had a face-to-face conversation, had skin-to-skin physical contact, or has been in other forms of contact within 1 metre for 1 minute or longer.

  • A proximity contact is a person who has been within 2 metres of the case for more than 15 minutes (this can be cumulative) or travelled in a car with – or in a plane near- the case.

  • People working in professional roles who have correctly used personal protective equipment (PPE) or work behind an appropriate screen or partition (e.g. a Perspex screen) are not regarded as a contact.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

  • A high temperature: this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature);

  • A new, continuous cough: this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual);

  • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste: this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

How does the TTP process work?

  • Those who develop at least one of the COVID-19 symptoms are advised to take a test, within the first 5 days of developing symptoms. Either using the online portal or via a free telephone number 119 (7am to 11pm).

  • Any person with COVID-19 symptoms is requested, along with all other household members to stay at home and follow the self-isolation guidance

  • If the test is negative, no further action is needed and self-isolation is no longer required.

  • If the test is positive, this person becomes a case and will be automatically contacted by the local contact tracing service*.

  • The contact tracer* will gather information on who the case has been in close contact with (based on definition of a contact).

  • A contact advisor* will then get in touch with those contacts to inform them that they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

  • The contact* will be provided with the up to date information and guidance on self-isolating for 14 days (from last contact with the case) and how to book a test if they develop symptoms.

  • The contact* will also receive a ‘daily symptom monitoring’ SMS text or telephone call to check if the contact has developed COVID-19 symptoms. The contact will only be advised to take a test if they are displaying COVID-19 symptoms.

  • If the contact* tests positive for COVID-19, they will be telephoned to identify their contacts and the process will be repeated.

  • *The All Wales automated TTP system, will mean many of the TTP processes will be undertaken using electronic communications e.g. SMS test message or email and will not always be undertaken by a person to person telephone call.

Stay local and ‘Keep Wales Safe’:

  • Always observe social distancing (maintain 2 metres between yourself and other people);

  • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds using soap and water;

  • If you are meeting one other household, stay outdoors, stay local and maintain social distancing;

  • Work from home if you can;

  • Stay home and self-isolate if you or anyone you live with has symptoms.

For more information and updates, follow us on Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram and like our DVSC Facebook page. You can also find us on YouTube or subscribe for our news updates:



Fel rhan o'n hymrwymiad gwasanaeth, rydyn ni'n rhannu'r wybodaeth isod - gan ein partner Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr - gyda chi.

Beth yw Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu?

Mae'r strategaeth Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu a lansiwyd ar 1 Mehefin, yn ffurfio rhan ganolog o gynllun adfer COVID-19 Llywodraeth Cymru i wella gwyliadwriaeth iechyd yn y gymuned, ymgymryd ag olrhain cyswllt helaeth ac effeithiol, a chefnogi pobl i hunan-ynysu ble bydd angen iddynt wneud hynny. Wrth i'r cyfyngiadau ar symudiad gael eu lleddfu, y nod yw darganfod ffordd i bobl yng Nghymru fyw a gweithio ochr yn ochr â'r firws, wrth atal ei ledaeniad. Mae'r strwythur Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu yn cynnwys Haen Genedlaethol (dan arweiniad Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru (PHW), a Haen Ranbarthol (dan arweiniad Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr) a Haen Leol (Timau Olrhain Cyswllt ym mhob Awdurdod Ardal Leol). Gellir cael mwy o wybodaeth yma:

Trosolwg o Brofi, Olrhain, Diogelu

Bydd Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu yn gweithio drwy:

  • Ddynodi'r rheiny sydd â symptomau sy'n cyd-fynd â symptomau COVID-19, caniatáu iddynt gael eu profi wrth iddynt ynysu oddi wrth eu teulu ehangach, eu ffrindiau a'u cymuned.

  • Olrhain yr unigolion hynny sydd wedi bod mewn cyswllt agos ag unigolyn sydd wedi cael prawf positif*, ar unrhyw adeg yn ystod cyfnod sy'n dechrau hyd at ddau ddiwrnod cyn iddynt ddechrau cael symptomau (neu ddyddiad y prawf, os nad oes ganddynt symptomau), ac yn gofyn iddynt hunan-ynysu am 14 diwrnod.

  • Diogelu pobl drwy leihau lledaeniad COVID-19 ymlaen o achosion a’u cysylltiadau a rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad, yn enwedig ble mae'r unigolyn sydd wedi cael prawf positif neu ei gysylltiadau yn fregus neu mewn mwy o risg.

*Rhagwelir y bydd Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu yn ehangu i gynnwys pobl sydd â symptomau COVID-19 (achos posibl). Os yw'r achos posibl wedi hynny'n cynhyrchu canlyniad prawf COVID-19 negyddol ac nid yw'r symptomau o ganlyniad i coronafirws, bydd yr achos posibl a'u cysylltiadau'n gallu dychwelyd at eu trefn arferol cyn gynted â phosibl.

Beth yw achos o COVID-19?

Unigolyn sydd wedi cael prawf positif o COVID-19. Efallai bydd yr unigolyn wedi neu heb gael symptomau o COVID-19.

Beth yw cyswllt ag achos o COVID-19?

Cyswllt yw unigolyn sydd, yn y cyfnod 48 awr cyn a 7 diwrnod ar ôl dyddiad cychwyn neu gasglu sbesimen yr achos (os nad oedd gan yr achos symptomau), wedi cael o leiaf un o'r mathau canlynol o gyswllt â'r achos:

  • Cyswllt tŷ yw rhywun sy'n byw yn yr un tŷ â'r achos positif.

  • Cyswllt uniongyrchol yw unigolyn sydd wedi bod o fewn 1 medr o'r achos positif ac wedi cael rhywun yn pesychu arno, wedi cael sgwrs wyneb wrth wyneb, wedi cael cyffwrdd corfforol croen wrth groen, neu wedi bod mewn cyswllt arall o fewn 1 medr am 1 munud neu fwy.

  • Cyswllt agosrwydd yw unigolyn sydd wedi bod o fewn 2 fedr o'r achos positif am fwy na 15 munud (gall hyn fod yn gronnus) neu wedi teithio mewn car gyda'r achos, neu mewn awyren yn agos at yr achos

  • Nid yw staff sy'n gweithio mewn rolau clinigol sydd wedi gwisgo cyfarpar diogelu personol (PPE) yn gywir neu aelodau staff sy'n gweithio tu ôl i sgrin neu bared priodol (e.e. sgrin Persbecs) yn cael eu hystyried yn gysylltiadau.

Beth yw symptomau COVID-19?

  • Gwres Uchel: golyga hyn eich bod chi'n teimlo'n boeth i gyffwrdd ar eich brest neu'ch cefn (nid oes angen i chi fesur eich tymheredd);

  • Peswch parhaus newydd: golyga hyn pesychu llawer am fwy nag awr, neu 3 pwl neu fwy o beswch mewn 24 awr (os oes gennych beswch fel arfer, fe all fod yn waeth na'r arfer);

  • Colli synnwyr o arogl neu flas neu newid yn y synhwyrau: golyga hyn eich bod wedi sylwi na allwch arogli neu flasu unrhyw beth, neu fod pethau'n arogli neu'n blasu'n wahanol i'r arfer.

Sut mae'r broses Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu yn gweithio?

  • Cynghorir y rheiny sy'n cael o leiaf un o'r symptomau COVID-19 i gael prawf, o fewn y 5 diwrnod cyntaf o gael y symptomau. Un ai drwy ddefnyddio'r porth ar-lein neu drwy'r rhif ffôn am ddim 119 (7am i 11pm).

  • Gofynnir i unrhyw unigolyn sydd â symptomau o COVID-19, ynghyd â holl aelodau eraill y tŷ i aros gartref a dilyn yr arweiniad hunan-ynysu

  • Os bydd y prawf yn un negatif, ni fydd angen gweithredu ymhellach a ni fydd angen i'r unigolyn barhau i hunan-ynysu mwyach.

  • Os yw'r prawf yn un positif, bydd yr unigolyn hwn yn dod yn achos a bydd y gwasanaeth olrhain cysylltiadau lleol yn cysylltu ag ef yn awtomatig*.

  • Bydd yr olrheiniwr cysylltiadau* yn casglu gwybodaeth ar bwy mae'r achos wedi bod mewn cyswllt agos ag ef (wedi'i seilio ar ddiffiniad cyswllt).

  • Yna, bydd cynghorwr cysylltiadau* yn cysylltu â'r cysylltiadau hynny i roi gwybod iddynt eu bod wedi bod mewn cyswllt agos â rhywun sydd wedi cael prawf positif am COVID-19.

  • Bydd y cyswllt* yn cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ac arweiniad ar hunan-ynysu am 14 diwrnod (o'r cyswllt diwethaf â'r achos) a sut i drefnu prawf os byddant yn cael symptomau.

  • Bydd y cyswllt* hefyd yn cael neges destun neu alwad ffôn 'monitro symptomau dyddiol' i wirio os yw'r cyswllt wedi datblygu symptomau COVID-19. Cynghorir y cyswllt i gael prawf os yw'n dangos symptomau COVID-19 yn unig.

  • Os yw'r cyswllt* yn cael prawf positif am COVID-19, bydd yn cael galwad ffôn i ddynodi ei gysylltiadau a bydd y broses yn cael ei hailadrodd.

*Bydd y system awtomataidd Cymru Gyfan Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu yn golygu y bydd llawer o brosesau Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu yn cael eu cynnal gan ddefnyddio cyfathrebu electronig e.e neges destun neu e-bost ac ni fydd yn cael ei gynnal drwy alwad ffôn bob amser.

Beth yw'r mesurau gorau i leihau'r risg o COVID-19?

Aros yn lleol a 'Cadw Cymru'n Ddiogel':

  • Arsylwi ymbellhau cymdeithasol bob amser (cynnal 2 fedr rhyngoch chi a phobl eraill);

  • Golchi dwylo'n rheolaidd am 20 eiliad gan ddefnyddio dŵr a sebon;

  • Os ydych yn cyfarfod â thŷ arall, arhoswch yn yr awyr agored, arhoswch yn lleol a chofiwch gynnal ymbellhau cymdeithasol;

  • Gweithio o gartref os gallwch;

  • Arhoswch gartref a hunan-ynysu os oes gennych chi neu unrhyw un sy'n byw gyda chi symptomau.

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