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Volunteers’ Week falls at a time of national crisis as the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic continues to be felt on individuals and communities.

Helen Wilkinson, Chief Executive of Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council, a charity funded by Welsh Government to promote and support volunteering in the County and a member of Third Sector Support Wales says: This week we are encouraging everyone in the County to say an enormous THANK YOU to all the amazing #DenbighshireVolunteers who have stepped up during the #COVID19 pandemic and to thank every single person who has volunteered over the last 12 months but who might not be volunteering at the moment because they are having to shield themselves because they are vulnerable at this time. DVSC has a number of online events and activities planned to celebrate and say thank you to #DenbighshireVolunteers. We hope you will join us!”

Figures published by DVSC show a tremendous surge in volunteering in Denbighshire in response to the #COVID19 pandemic:

  • Since mid March almost 800 people registered their interest in volunteering through the #DenbighshireVolunteers platform or contacted DVSC directly via the phone or email

  • Close to 500 stepped up as #COVID19 Volunteer Community Responders in the same period

  • DVSC coordinated #COVID19 Volunteer Community Responders to provide direct assistance to over 1400 people in the past two months as part of an emergency community support service that was set up to support statutory services to focus their resource on those in urgent need!

  • This is just a snapshot and does not include all of the voluntary action happening in neighbourhoods as local voluntary and community groups and organisations

Helen Wilkinson, Chief Executive of DVSC says: “This year has really put volunteers in the spotlight with people across the County stepping up to serve with large and small acts of voluntary action supporting and protecting the most vulnerable in our society – with shopping, prescription collection, dog walking, gardening, telephone support and more - even stepping up to support and protect the NHS, public services and Care Homes. We have faced the challenge of the #COVID19 pandemic together with courage and compassion.”

To mark Volunteers’ Week, which runs from 1-7 June, DVSC is thanking all #DenbighshireVolunteers for their contribution by sharing the words of gratitude from those who have received help from volunteers on social media throughout the week whilst promoting the volunteer involving organisations DVSC has been working with.

If you want to express your thanks or tell your volunteer story, share your experience here: or contact DVSC via email: or telephone 01824 702 441.

Each day of Volunteers’ Week will focus on a different aspect of volunteering as DVSC puts particular types of volunteering in the spotlight. The themes include: volunteering in times of crisis (#VolunteersWeek), youth volunteering (#PowerOfYouth), environmental volunteering and more! Follow DVSC on your prefered social media: Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram and like our DVSC Facebook page. You can also find us on YouTube.

Events and activities planned by DVSC next week include:

Monday 1st June

Join the first day of Volunteers’ Week 2020 on social media #VolunteersWeek #DenbighshireVolunteers to celebrate the start of the week. Help Volunteers’ Week trend throughout Denbighshire! Share your story and don’t forget to tag us @DVSC_Wales on Twitter.

Tuesday 2nd June

#DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network via Zoom from 10am-noon with the focus on voluntary action during the #COVID19 public health emergency, and looking to the future – how to sustain interest in volunteering after the crisis. If you are a volunteer or a representative of a community group or third sector organisation, you can register for the meeting here:

Wednesday 3rd June

DVSC is hosting two training sessions on ‘How to use the #DenbighshireVolunteers platform’ which you can think of as the equivalent of Indeed, the job matching site for volunteers and groups and organisations looking for volunteers! Volunteers who want to learn how to search and apply for volunteer opportunities, can sign up for the session at 9.30am:

Groups or organisations looking for guidance on how to post opportunities and find volunteers, can book a place on the 11.00am training:

Thursday 4th June

DVSC has enlisted the volunteer expertise of HR Anchor and Gamlins Law to provide tips to groups and organisations on managing remote staff and volunteers. To register for this training, follow this link:

Join the national #ClapforVolunteers on Thursday evening at 8pm to mark Volunteers' Week!

Friday 5th June

DVSC will be hosting online training on how to access quality health related information ‘Using Health and Wellbeing Apps’ at 9am, organised in partnership with Digital Communities Wales:

Saturday 6th June

Do you volunteer though your employer or profession? Are you an employer who supports your staff to volunteer? Do you work with employers or corporate supporters? Then today is the day to get involved and tell us all the great things you have been doing throughout the year.

Sunday 7th June

Volunteers Week will end with the launch of the #DenbighshireVolunteers Magazine for the #SundayRead #SlowSunday.

Read content powered and enabled by voluntary action and social enterprise, and designed to inspire, energise and power a movement for positive change throughout Denbighshire.

DVSC has supported, and empowered #DenbighshireVolunteers during the #COVID19 pandemic by:

  • rewarding all #COVID19 Volunteer Community Responders registered with the #DenbighshireVolunteers platform FREE online training credits. Claiming your FREE online learning credit is simple! take a look at over 60 courses we have available here. Select the course you would like to enrol in and email our Enterprise and Learning Officer Rhys, or our BusinessSupport Coordinator Abi, or give them a call on 08124 702 441

  • waiving all fees for groups, organisations and small businesses during the #COVID19 pandemic as a gesture of gratitude for the people stepping up to serve during this time of national crisis – you can sign up online as a not for profit group or organization here and if you are a small business here

  • running #COVID19 emergency grant funding to support change makers, groups and organisations in their communities to help organize the volunteer emergency response. To date 16 organisations have received funding

  • the #COVID19 Voluntary Services Emergency Fund enabled by Welsh Government funding is currently open with up to £25000 to distribute to groups and organization to continue with vital community support in Denbighshire – applications can be submitted online:

Notes to Editors

About DVSC

Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council, DVSC, is the County Voluntary Council operating in Denbighshire. Our mission is to build resilient communities through voluntary action, and social enterprise, provide excellent support for our members and to be an influential voice in Denbighshire and North Wales.

DVSC is the membership body for individual change makers, volunteers, voluntary and community groups, third sector organisations and social enterprises. Through our work we aspire to enhance individual and community wellbeing. We want to encourage people to live well, and age well.

DVSC manages grant distribution to support voluntary action and social enterprise in Denbighshire in ways that enhance individual and community wellbeing.​ The #COVID19 Voluntary Services Emergency Fund enabled by Welsh Government funding is currently open with up to £25000 to distribute to groups and organization to continue with vital community support in Denbighshire – applications can be submitted online:

Due to the #COVID19 public health emergency there is an urgent need for voluntary and community support throughout Denbighshire to support a #COVID19 Volunteer Community Response that is safe, effective and bolsters community spirit.

DVSC works closely with North Wales CVCs, and is a member of the Wales-wide network of CVCs which in partnership with the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) forms the partnership that makes up Third Sector Support Wales.

To make sure you are kept up to date when funding opportunities are available subscribe to our mailing list by following the link - Subscribe for News Updates & Bulletins.

For further information contact Helen Wilkinson, DVSC’s Chief Executive on 07713 997 075 or or Vanessa Van Lierde, Marketing and Engagement Lead, on 07483 293 390 or

If you want support for volunteers, grants, funding or governance advice please contact DVSC’S Community Support service on 01824 702 441, via email or via live chat.

Follow us on Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram and like our DVSC Facebook page. You can also find us on YouTube.



Mae Wythnos y Gwirfoddolwyr yn digwydd ar adeg o argyfwng cenedlaethol wrth i effaith y pandemig #COVID19 barhau i gael ei deimlo ar unigolion a chymunedau.​

Dywed Helen Wilkinson, Prif Weithredwr Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych, elusen a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru i hyrwyddo a chefnogi gwirfoddoli yn y Sir ac aelod o Gymorth Trydydd Sector Cymru: Yr wythnos hon rydym yn annog pawb yn y Sir i ddweud DIOLCH enfawr I CHI yr holl wirfoddolwyr anhygoel #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych sydd wedi camu i mewn yn ystod y pandemig #COVID19 ac i ddiolch i bob unigolyn sydd wedi gwirfoddoli dros y 12 mis diwethaf ond nad ydynt efallai'n gwirfoddoli ar hyn o bryd oherwydd eu bod yn gorfod cysgodi. Mae gan CGGSDd nifer o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau ar-lein wedi'u cynllunio i ddathlu a dweud diolch i #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych. Gobeithio y byddwch chi'n ymuno â ni!”

Mae ffigurau a gyhoeddwyd gan CGGSDd yn dangos cynydd aruthrol yn y nifer sy’n gwirfoddoli yn Sir Ddinbych mewn ymateb i'r pandemig #COVID19:

  • Ers canol mis Mawrth, dangosodd bron i 800 o bobl ddiddordeb mewn gwirfoddoli trwy'r platfform #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych neu gysylltu â CGGSDd yn uniongyrchol dros y ffôn neu'r e-bost

  • Camodd bron i 500 mewn fel Ymatebwyr Cymunedol Gwirfoddol #COVID19 yn yr un cyfnod

  • Cydlynodd CGGSDd Ymatebwyr Cymunedol Gwirfoddol #COVID19 i ddarparu cymorth uniongyrchol i dros 1400 o bobl yn ystod y ddau fis diwethaf fel rhan o wasanaeth cymorth cymunedol brys a sefydlwyd i gefnogi gwasanaethau statudol i ganolbwyntio eu hadnodd ar y rhai sydd oedd mewn angen!

  • Cipolwg yn unig yw hwn ac nid yw'n cynnwys yr holl waith gwirfoddol sy'n digwydd mewn cymdogaethau fel grwpiau a sefydliadau gwirfoddol a chymunedol lleol

Dywed Helen Wilkinson, Prif Weithredwr CGGSDd: “Mae eleni wir wedi rhoi sylw i wirfoddolwyr gyda phobl ledled y Sir yn camu i fyny i wasanaethu gyda gweithredoedd gwirfoddol mawr a bach yn cefnogi ac yn amddiffyn y rhai mwyaf bregus yn ein cymdeithas - gyda siopa, casglu presgripsiwn, cerdded cŵn, garddio, cymorth dros y ffôn a mwy - hyd yn oed camu mewn i gefnogi ac amddiffyn y GIG, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a Chartrefi Gofal. Rydyn ni wedi wynebu her y pandemig #COVID19 gyda dewrder a thosturi.”

I nodi Wythnos y Gwirfoddolwyr, sy’n cael ei gynnal rhwng 1-7 Mehefin, mae CGGSDd yn diolch i bob gwirfoddolwr #GWIRFODDOLWYRSIRDDINBYCH am eu cyfraniad trwy rannu'r geiriau o ddiolch gan y rhai sydd wedi derbyn cymorth gan wirfoddolwyr ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol trwy gydol yr wythnos wrth hyrwyddo'r gwirfoddolwr sy'n cynnwys y sefydliadau mae CGGSDd wedi bod yn gweithio gyda hwy. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

Os ydych chi am fynegi eich diolch neu dweud eich hanes fel gwirfoddolwr, rhannwch eich profiad yma: neu cysylltwch â CGGSDd trwy e-bost: neu ffoniwch 01824 702 441. [endif]

Bydd pob diwrnod o Wythnos y Gwirfoddolwyr yn canolbwyntio ar agwedd wahanol ar wirfoddoli wrth i CGGSDdroi mathau penodol o wirfoddoli dan y chwyddwydr. Mae'r themâu yn cynnwys: gwirfoddoli ar adegau o argyfwng (#VolunteersWeek), gwirfoddoli ieuenctid (#PowerOfYouth), gwirfoddoli amgylcheddol a mwy! Dilynwch CGGSDd ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a ffefrir gennych: Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram a hoffwch ein tudalen Facebook CGGSDd. Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i ni ar YouTube.

Ymhlith y digwyddiadau a'r gweithgareddau a gynlluniwyd gan CGGSDd yr wythnos nesaf mae:

Dydd Llun 1af o Fehefin

Ymunwch â diwrnod cyntaf Wythnos Gwirfoddolwyr 2020 ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol #WythnosGwirfoddolwyr #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych i ddathlu dechrau’r wythnos. Helpwch i amlygu Wythnos ‘Gwirfoddolwyr’ ledled Sir Ddinbych! Rhannwch eich stori a pheidiwch ag anghofio tagio ni @DVSC_Wales ar Twitter.

Dydd Mawrth 2il o Fehefin

Rhwydwaith Trydydd Sector #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych trwy Zoom o 10yb -hanner dydd gyda'r ffocws ar weithredu gwirfoddol yn ystod argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus #COVID19, ac edrych i'r dyfodol - sut i gynnal diddordeb mewn gwirfoddoli ar ôl yr argyfwng. Os ydych chi'n wirfoddolwr neu'n gynrychiolydd grŵp cymunedol neu sefydliad trydydd sector, gallwch gofrestru ar gyfer y cyfarfod yma:

Dydd Mercher 3ydd o Fehefin

Mae CGGSDd yn cynnal dwy sesiwn hyfforddi ar ‘Sut i ddefnyddio platfform #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych - gallwch chi feddwl amdano fel rhywbeth sy’n cyfateb i Indeed, y safle paru swyddi ar gyfer gwirfoddolwyr a grwpiau a sefydliadau sy’n chwilio am wirfoddolwyr! Gall gwirfoddolwyr sydd eisiau dysgu sut i chwilio a gwneud cais am gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli, gofrestru ar gyfer y sesiwn am 9.30yb:

Gall grwpiau neu sefydliadau sy'n chwilio am arweiniad ar sut i bostio cyfleoedd a dod o hyd i wirfoddolwyr, archebu lle ar gyfer yr hyfforddiant am 11.00yb:

Dydd Iau 4ydd o Fehefin

Mae CGGSDd wedi rhestru arbenigedd gwirfoddol HR Anchor a Gamlins Law i roi awgrymiadau i grwpiau a sefydliadau ar reoli staff a gwirfoddolwyr o bell. I gofrestru ar gyfer yr hyfforddiant hwn, dilynwch y ddolen hon: Ymunwch â'r #ClapiWirfoddolwyr cenedlaethol nos Iau am 8pm i nodi Wythnos y Gwirfoddolwyr!

Dydd Gwener 5ed o Fehefin

Bydd CGGSDd yn cynnal hyfforddiant ar-lein ar sut i gael gafael ar wybodaeth o ansawdd sy’n gysylltiedig ag iechyd ‘Defnyddio Apps Iechyd a Lles’ am 9yb, a drefnir mewn partneriaeth â Chymunedau Digidol Cymru: #DyddGwenerDigidol #GwirfoddoliDigidol #CynhwysiantDigidol

Dydd Sadwrn 6ed o Fehefin

Ydych chi'n gwirfoddoli trwy'ch cyflogwr neu'ch proffesiwn? Ydych chi'n gyflogwr sy'n cefnogi'ch staff i wirfoddoli? Ydych chi'n gweithio gyda chyflogwyr neu gefnogwyr corfforaethol? Yna heddiw yw'r diwrnod i gymryd rhan a dweud wrthym yr holl bethau gwych rydych chi wedi bod yn eu gwneud trwy gydol y flwyddyn.

Dydd Sul 7fed o Fehefin

Bydd Wythnos y Gwirfoddolwyr yn gorffen gyda lansiad Cylchgrawn #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych ar gyfer y #DarllenDyddSul #SlowSunday.

Darllenwch gynnwys wedi'i bweru a'i alluogi gan weithredu gwirfoddol a menter gymdeithasol, a'i gynllunio i ysbrydoli, bywiogi a phweru symudiad dros newid cadarnhaol ledled Sir Ddinbych.

Mae CGGSDd wedi cefnogi, a grymuso #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych yn ​​ystod y pandemig #COVID19 gan:

  • gwobrwyo pob Ymatebydd Cymunedol Gwirfoddol #COVID19 sydd wedi cofrestru gyda llwyfan #GwirfoddolwyrSirDdinbych credydau hyfforddi ar-lein AM DDIM. Mae hawlio'ch credyd dysgu ar-lein AM DDIM yn syml! Edrychwch ar dros 60 o gyrsiau sydd gennym ar gael yma. Dewiswch y cwrs yr hoffech chi gofrestru ynddo ac e-bostiwch Rhys, ein Swyddog Menter a Dysgu neu Abi, ein Cydlynydd Cefnogaeth Busnes, neu rhowch alwad iddynt ar 08124 702 441

  • hepgor yr holl ffioedd ar gyfer grwpiau, sefydliadau a busnesau bach yn ystod y pandemig #COVID19 fel arwydd o ddiolchgarwch i'r bobl sy'n camu i wasanaethu yn ystod yr amser hwn o argyfwng cenedlaethol - gallwch chi gofrestru ar-lein fel grŵp neu sefydliad dielw yma neu os ydych yn fusnes bach yma

  • rhedeg cyllid grant brys #COVID19 i gefnogi gwneuthurwyr newid, grwpiau a sefydliadau yn eu cymunedau i helpu i drefnu'r ymateb brys i wirfoddolwyr. Hyd yma mae 16 o sefydliadau wedi derbyn cyllid

  • mae Cronfa Argyfwng Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol # COVID19 a alluogwyd gan gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru ar agor ar hyn o bryd gyda hyd at £25000 i'w dosbarthu i grwpiau a sefydliadau i barhau â chefnogaeth gymunedol hanfodol yn Sir Ddinbych - gellir cyflwyno ceisiadau ar-lein:

Nodiadau i Olygyddion

Manylion am Gyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych (CGGSDd)

Manylion am Gyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych (CGGSDd) CGGSDd yw’r Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Sirol sy’n gweithredu yn Sir Ddinbych. Ein cenhadaeth yw creu cymunedau cydnerth trwy weithredu gwirfoddol a mentrau cymdeithasol, darparu cymorth rhagorol i’n haelodau a bod yn llais dylanwadol yn Sir Ddinbych a gogledd Cymru.

CGGSDd yw’r corff aelodaeth i unigolion, gwirfoddolwyr, grwpiau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, mudiadau trydydd sector a mentrau cymdeithasol sydd am greu newid. Ein dyhead yw gwella llesiant unigolion a chymunedau trwy gyfrwng ein gwaith. Rydym ni am annog pobl i fyw’n dda, a heneiddio’n dda.

Mae CGGSDd yn rheoli dosbarthu grantiau i gefnogi gweithredu gwirfoddol a mentrau cymdeithasol yn Sir Ddinbych mewn modd sy’n gwella lles unigolion a chymunedol. Mae Cronfa Argyfwng Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol # COVID19 a alluogwyd gan gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru ar agor ar hyn o bryd gyda hyd at £25000 i'w dosbarthu i grwpiau a sefydliadau i barhau â chefnogaeth gymunedol hanfodol yn Sir Ddinbych - gellir cyflwyno ceisiadau ar-lein:

Yn sgîl yr argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus #COVID19 mae angen brys am gymorth a chefnogaeth gwirfoddol a chymunedol ledled Sir Ddinbych i gefnogi Ymateb Gwirfoddolwyr yn y Gymuned i COVID19 sy’n ddiogel, yn effeithiol ac yn cryfhau’r ysbryd cymunedol.

Mae CGGSDd yn gweithio’n agos gyda Chynghorau Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Sirol eraill gogledd Cymru, ac mae’n aelod o rwydwaith Cymru gyfan sydd, mewn partneriaeth gyda Chyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru, yn ffurfio’r bartneriaeth sy’n llunio Cefnogi Trydydd Sector Cymru.

Er mwyn gwneud yn siwr eich bod chi’n cael y manylion diweddaraf pan fo cyfleoedd cyllid ar gael, gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn tanysgrifio i’n rhestr bostio trwy ddilyn y ddolen – Tanysgrifio ar gyfer Diweddariadau Newyddion a Bwletinau.

Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch gyda Helen Wilkinson, Prif Weithredwr CGGSDd, 01824 702 441 neu 07713 997 075 neu Vanessa Van Lierde, Arweinydd Marchnata ac Ymgysylltu ar 07483 293 390 neu

Os ydych chi eisiau cefnogaeth i wirfoddolwyr, grantiau, cyllid neu gyngor llywodraethu, cysylltwch â gwasanaeth Cymorth Cymunedol CGGSDd ar 01824 702 441, trwy e-bost neu drwy sgwrs fyw.

Dilynwch ni ar Trydar @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram a hoffwch ein tudalen Facebook CGGSDd. Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i ni ar You Tube.


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