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#WellbeingWednesday - 20 May 2020 - DVSC is happy to announce that since the start of April, 16 Change Makers from Third Sector Organisations, Voluntary Groups, Small Businesses and Individuals in Denbighshire have successfully been awarded #COVID19 Community Grants, enabled by Welsh Church Act funding.

Helen Wilkinson, DVSC’s Chief Executive commenting on the award winners said:

“These Denbighshire Change Makers come from a broad spectrum of the local community, stepping up to support people or provide creative solutions to pressing need during the #COVID19 public health emergency. As we enter a new phase in the #COVID19 pandemic and adapt to the new normal, I am delighted to celebrate these change makers as we launch a second round of funding to support the #COVID19 Volunteer Community Response in Denbighshire”.

#COVID19 Voluntary Services Emergency Fund

The new round of funding for #COVID19, the Voluntary Services Emergency Fund, has been enabled by Welsh Government with £25,000 ready to distribute to support voluntary community action in Denbighshire! Voluntary and community groups, not for profit organisations and registered charities can apply for up to £2000. The fund offers support to voluntary sector organisations and community groups. Its purpose is to enable those providing vital support to people in isolation, the elderly, carers, people struggling to access food etc.

“This new grant round follows a highly successful community grants round launched on April 1st which has catalysed and enabled local voluntary and community action and supported entrepreneurial initiative”, said Helen Wilkinson, Chief Executive of DVSC. “This new fund will enable voluntary groups, not for profit organisations and registered charities to apply for up to £2000 and we are operating a rapid grant decision-making process with applications being considered on a rolling basis until funds are disbursed. Denbighshire voluntary groups and organisations are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to ensure their initiative or project receives funding!”

Projects must meet one of three funding criteria outlined by Welsh Government:

  • Maintain or increase activities that support the vulnerable during the #COVID19 pandemic

  • Ensure third/voluntary sector organisations have the resources needed to deliver vital services for their communities e.g. volunteer expenses

  • Encourage stringent health and safety protocols for volunteer activities to safeguard volunteers, beneficiaries, and voluntary sector staff, volunteers and beneficiaries, e.g. the purchase of PPE, hand sanitiser

Examples of activities that could be supported:

  • Activities that provide or build capacity for counselling and bereavement support

  • Initiatives to support meals on wheels on services or get food to people in need

  • Online learning to support #COVID19 volunteers, beneficiaries, or staff

  • Capacity building for organisations and groups that wish to become anchor organisations or groups to support DVSC’s #COVID19 Volunteer Community Response

…and lots more!

To apply for the grant, fill out our online grant application form on our website:

16 Groups awarded funding from DVSC #COVID19 emergency grants

Congratulations to the following:

Notes to Editors

About DVSC

Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council, DVSC, is the County Voluntary Council operating in Denbighshire. Our mission is to build resilient communities through voluntary action, and social enterprise, provide excellent support for our members and to be an influential voice in Denbighshire and North Wales.

DVSC is the membership body for individual change makers, volunteers, voluntary and community groups, third sector organisations and social enterprises. Through our work we aspire to enhance individual and community wellbeing. We want to encourage people to live well, and age well.

DVSC manages grant distribution to support voluntary action and social enterprise in Denbighshire in ways that enhance individual and community wellbeing.​

Due to the #COVID19 public health emergency there is an urgent need for voluntary and community support throughout Denbighshire to support a #COVID19 Volunteer Community Response that is safe, effective and bolsters community spirit.

DVSC works closely with North Wales CVCs, and is a member of the Wales-wide network of CVCs which in partnership with the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) forms the partnership that makes up Third Sector Support Wales.

To make sure you are kept up to date when funding opportunities are available subscribe to our mailing list by following the link - Subscribe for News Updates & Bulletins.

For further information contact Helen Wilkinson, DVSC’s Chief Executive on 07713 997 075 or or Vanessa Van Lierde, Marketing and Engagement Lead, on 07483 293 390 or

Follow us on Twitter @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram and like our DVSC Facebook page. You can also find us on YouTube.



Mae Cyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych (CGGSDd) yn falch o gyhoeddi, ers dechrau Ebrill mae 16 o Ysgogwyr Newid o blith mudiadau Trydydd Sector, grwpiau gwirfoddol, busnesau bach ac unigolion yn Sir Ddinbych wedi cael Grantiau Cymunedol #COVID19, trwy gyfrwng cyllid Deddf Eglwysi Cymru.

Dywedodd Helen Wilkinson, Prif Weithredwr CGGSDd, am y rhai fu’n llwyddiannus yn cael dyfarniad grant: “Mae’r Ysgogwyr Newid hyn yn Sir Ddinbych yn dod o sbectrwm eang o’r gymuned leol, yn camu ymlaen i gefnogi pobl neu ddarparu datrysiadau creadigol i angen dirfawr yn ystod yr argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus #COVID19. Wrth i ni wynebu cyfnod newydd yn y pandemig #COVID19 ac addasu i’r normal newydd, rwy’n falch o ddathlu’r ysgogwyr newid hyn wrth i ni lansio ail rownd gyllido i gefnogi Ymateb Gwirfoddolwyr yn y Gymuned i #COVID19 yn Sir Ddinbych”.

Cronfa Argyfwng Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol #COVID19

Mae’r rownd gyllido newydd ar gyfer #COVID19, y Gronfa Argyfwng Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol, wedi’i alluogi gan Lywodraeth Cymru gyda £25,000 yn barod i’w rannu i gefnogi gweithredu gwirfoddol yn ein cymunedau yn Sir Ddinbych! Caiff grwpiau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, mudiadau nid er elw ac elusennau cofrestredig wneud cais am hyd at £2,000. Mae’r gronfa’n cynnig cefnogaeth i fudiadau sector gwirfoddol a grwpiau cymunedol. Pwrpas y gronfa ydi galluogi’r rhai sy’n darparu cymorth hanfodol i grwpiau fel pobl sy’n ynysu, yr henoed, gofalwyr, pobl sy’n cael trafferth mynd i nôl bwyd ac ati.

“Mae’r rownd grant newydd yma’n dilyn rownd grantiau cymunedol llwyddiannus iawn a lansiwyd ar 1 Ebrill sydd wedi ysgogi a galluogi gweithredu gwirfoddol a chymunedol yn lleol a chefnogi mentrau entrepreneuraidd”, Ychwanegodd Helen Wilkinson, Prif Weithredwr CGGSDd. “Bydd y gronfa newydd hon yn galluogi grwpiau gwirfoddol, mudiadau nid er elw ac elusennau cofrestredig i wneud cais am hyd at £2,000 ac rydym ni’n gweithredu proses gwneud penderfyniadau’n gyflym o ran dyrannu grantiau, gyda cheisiadau’n cael eu hystyried wrth iddyn nhw gael eu cyflwyno nes i’r arian gael ei ddosbarthu i gyd. Anogir grwpiau a mudiadau gwirfoddol yn Sir Ddinbych i wneud cais gynted ag y bo modd i sicrhau bod eu prosiect neu eu menter yn derbyn cyllid!”

Mae’n rhaid i brosiectau fodloni un o’r tri maen prawf a amlinellwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru:

  • Cynnal neu gynyddu’r gweithgareddau sy’n cefnogi pobl fregus yn ystod y pandemig #COVID19

  • Sicrhau bod gan fudiadau trydydd sector/sector gwirfoddol yr adnoddau sy’n ofynnol i ddarparu gwasanaethau hanfodol i’w cymunedau e.e. talu treuliau gwirfoddolwyr

  • Annog protocolau iechyd a diogelwch llym o ran gweithgareddau gwirfoddol i ddiogelu gwirfoddolwyr, buddiolwyr a staff y sector gwirfoddol e.e. offer amddiffyn personol, hylif hylendid dwylo

Enghreifftiau o weithgareddau y gellid eu cefnogi:

  • Gweithgareddau sy’n darparu neu’n cynyddu’r capasiti ar gyfer cwnsela a chymorth profedigaeth

  • Mentrau i gefnogi gwasanaethau pryd ar glud neu sicrhau fod pobl mewn angen yn cael bwyd

  • Dysgu ar-lein i gefnogi gwirfoddolwyr #COVID19, buddiolwyr neu staff

  • Creu capasiti mewn mudiadau neu grwpiau sy’n dymuno bod yn fudiadau angori sy’n cefnogi Ymateb Gwirfoddol yn y Gymuned i #COVID19 CGGSDd

…a llawer rhagor!

I wneud cais am y grant, llenwch ein ffurflen grant ar-lein ar ein gwefan:

Dyfarnu cyllid i 16 grŵp trwy'r grantiau argyfwng #COVID19 CGGSDd

Llongyfarchiadau i’r canlynol:

Nodiadau i Olygyddion

Manylion am Gyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych (CGGSDd)

Manylion am Gyngor Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Ddinbych (CGGSDd) CGGSDd yw’r Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Sirol sy’n gweithredu yn Sir Ddinbych. Ein cenhadaeth yw creu cymunedau cydnerth trwy weithredu gwirfoddol a mentrau cymdeithasol, darparu cymorth rhagorol i’n haelodau a bod yn llais dylanwadol yn Sir Ddinbych a gogledd Cymru.

CGGSDd yw’r corff aelodaeth i unigolion, gwirfoddolwyr, grwpiau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, mudiadau trydydd sector a mentrau cymdeithasol sydd am greu newid. Ein dyhead yw gwella llesiant unigolion a chymunedau trwy gyfrwng ein gwaith. Rydym ni am annog pobl i fyw’n dda, a heneiddio’n dda.

Mae CGGSDd yn rheoli dosbarthu grantiau i gefnogi gweithredu gwirfoddol a mentrau cymdeithasol yn Sir Ddinbych mewn modd sy’n gwella lles unigolion a chymunedol.

Yn sgîl yr argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus #COVID19 mae angen brys am gymorth a chefnogaeth gwirfoddol a chymunedol ledled Sir Ddinbych i gefnogi Ymateb Gwirfoddolwyr yn y Gymuned i COVID19 sy’n ddiogel, yn effeithiol ac yn cryfhau’r ysbryd cymunedol.

Mae CGGSDd yn gweithio’n agos gyda Chynghorau Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Sirol eraill gogledd Cymru, ac mae’n aelod o rwydwaith Cymru gyfan sydd, mewn partneriaeth gyda Chyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru, yn ffurfio’r bartneriaeth sy’n llunio Cefnogi Trydydd Sector Cymru.

Er mwyn gwneud yn siwr eich bod chi’n cael y manylion diweddaraf pan fo cyfleoedd cyllid ar gael, gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn tanysgrifio i’n rhestr bostio trwy ddilyn y ddolen – Tanysgrifio ar gyfer Diweddariadau Newyddion a Bwletinau.

Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch gyda Helen Wilkinson, Prif Weithredwr CGGSDd, 01824 702 441 neu 07713 997 075 neu Vanessa Van Lierde, Arweinydd Marchnata ac Ymgysylltu ar 07483 293 390 neu

Dilynwch ni ar Trydar @DVSC_Wales, LinkedIn, Instagram a hoffwch ein tudalen Facebook CGGSDd. Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i ni ar You Tube.


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