Wellbeing News (33) - National SP link worker day 8th July 2019
As part of our service commitment to promoting and supporting individual and community wellbeing in the County, we share the information below with you.If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at DVSC’s Wellbeing network meetings do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known. If you want to find out more about infoengine, a platform developed by the third sector for the third sector, then visit our infoengine page.
1st ever national social prescribing link worker day 8th July 2019
A national day to celebrate and showcase the contribution of social prescribing link workers in improving population health and wellbeing. This coincides with the 1st ever national social prescribing link worker conference taking place in London. Who can participate? · Anyone who has directly benefited from being supported by a link worker or social prescribing scheme · Anyone who has witnessed in any other way the difference social prescribing brings to individuals/communities · Anyone who thinks it may support them or a family member in the future
Including but not limited to: · Social prescribing link workers · Patients · Families · Carers · Social prescribing schemes and suppliers · GPs & Health Clinicians · Allied Health Professionals · Social Prescribing related volunteers · Commissioners · Academics How can you participate? A. Celebrate & showcase 1. Answer in not more than 200 characters or record video no longer than 1 minute highlighting how a link worker and/or social prescribing has helped you or might help you or has helped your patient or user? - You can use the opportunity to celebrate and showcase your local social prescribing scheme, primary care network and link workers as appropriate 2. Post your answer on twitter, Facebook, Instagram as appropriate using #linkworkerday19 #GlueInHSC on 8th July 2019 3. To showcase your answers in our online gallery, national conference & brochure and social media channels on 8th July 2019, please send your answers to michelle@connectlink.org by 3rd June 2019
Please include:
o Your name
o Twitter handle, if applicable
o Indicate your connection to social prescribing (e.g. carer, patient, GP, social prescribing link worker, commissioners, manager, etc)
B. Raise awareness 1. Use the official social media, logo, email kits for your profile to raise awareness and to create your own swag including t-shirts, fliers etc. 2. Use #linkworkerday19 #glueinhsc on social media