Wellbeing (31) - National Association of Link Workers monthly newsletter
As part of our service commitment to promoting and supporting individual and community wellbeing in the County, we share the information below with you.If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at DVSC’s Wellbeing network meetings do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known. If you want to find out more about infoengine, a platform developed by the third sector for the third sector, then visit our infoengine page.
1st ever national social prescribing link worker success conference 8th July 2019 If you are an organisation delivering social prescribing or a link worker and haven't yet received an invitation to attend this conference, please email leslie@connectlink.org. Organisations interested in participating in the conference sponsorship program should email leslie@connectlink.org
NIHR public member recruitment The NIHR are looking for members of the public to join a number of national and regional committees. Encourage patients’ groups, service users and carers etc. to consider getting involved. The deadline for applications is 1pm on Friday 26 April 2019
There are 4 categories open for entry. The submission deadline for entries is 17:00 4 June 2019 Quality assurance for social prescribing consultation Feedback deadline is 28th April 2019. Respond using the feedback form
The Shared Ground Fund Funding to support organisations to explore opportunities and address challenges in the area of migration and integration.
Latest blog
Why GP receptionists and social prescribing link workers are crucial to sustaining general practice
Social prescribing link worker report release
Social prescribing link worker: 3 things primary care networks should do to increase successful delivery
Coming soon: Link worker competency framework & toolkit Coming soon: code of practice NHS England social prescribing summary guide including sample job description and SNOMED CT codes to use
Step by step guide to conversations with patients about physical activity ![endif]--![endif]--![endif]--
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*NEW* BMA- primary care network handbook *NEW* NHS Assembly announced to help deliver the Long Term Plan
*NEW* National voices peer support hub An A-Z directory of Plain English definitions of the most commonly used words and phrases in health, social care and housing Free Introduction to mindfulness course MECC training & online training MECC linked resources All Our Health resources: a framework of evidence to guide healthcare professionals in preventing illness, protecting health, and promoting wellbeing
Industry events
Arts 4 Dementia Best Practice Conference 2019, "Towards Social Prescribing 16 May 9:30am-5pm
1st ever national social prescribing link worker success conference
Monday, 8th July 2019
Save the date: What Matters To Me Conference 6th June 2019