DVSC’s New Year Greetings from Helen Wilkinson, Chief Executive, DVSC & #TeamDVSC
New Year is a time for new resolutions – reflecting on the year that has ended, and making plans and resolutions for the future. So #teamDVSC wants to give you a heads up on some of upcoming events and activities.
We are advertising a number of jobs and would be grateful if you will share these job opportunities far and wide.
We are also launching two Grant Opportunities this January. Our Youth Led Grants scheme has already opened. Deadlines for that funding opportunity can be found on our website here.
We are particularly excited to be launching our Dementia Aware Community Led Grant Fund, calling out to change makers across the County to come together and raise awareness about dementia and its effects. We want to inspire community led conversations, events, and initiatives in local neighbourhoods and localities across Denbighshire.
Our experience in grant fund management and distribution shows that small amounts of money can make a BIG difference – catalysing and enabling community action and encouraging people to go on a journey from awareness to action.
Through this grant fund, we want to tap into the energy, and ambition of social entrepreneurs and all generations, as well as our usual stakeholders and so for the first time ever, individuals as well as voluntary and community groups, third sector organisations and social enterprises operating in Denbighshire are eligible to apply.
The idea might be as simple as hosting a coffee morning; running a training programme; or hosting a public meeting to see if there is an appetite to go on a journey towards recognition as a dementia friendly community.
We also have a great training programme of events lined up to help people learn more about being dementia aware helping to translate greater awareness into action.
Our #Connect4Winter #DenbighshireVolunteers social media campaign raising awareness of loneliness and isolation is ongoing. You can read the press release here. This all about enhancing individual and collective wellbeing and reminds us that small acts of kindness – to our self and others – can make a big difference.
In 2019, we will continue to hosting our Networks, Forums and events throughout the year. The DVSC Annual Calendar from April 2019 is in the process of being finalised and we will share this with you soon.
In the meantime, here are some key diary markers:
The next meeting of the #DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector network is Wednesday 20 February 2019. You can read the blog, and get the update on the last meeting and the draft agenda for this one here.
The Membership Forum takes place after the #DenbighshireVolunteers network meeting and will be a workshop exploring social enterprise, community led regeneration and community transport. Read the blog about our last meeting here. We hope you like the workshop approach.
Our Wellbeing Network meets on Wednesday 13 February 2019 and will be discussing BCUHB’s Third Sector Strategy in discussions with BCUHB colleagues.
We will continue to use and develop our social media channels - Twitter, Facebook and now Instagram to share timely news and information and will continue to publish the #DenbighshireVolunteers, #SectorSupport and #Wellbeing Bulletins. If you want to submit any information for future bulletins (preferably bilingual content) please email Julie, our new Marketing and Engagement Officer, julie@dvsc.co.uk. who has already been making her mark.
Finally, on behalf of #teamDVSC, we'd like to wish you a happy, and successful New Year. We look forward to building on current relationships, developing partnerships and exploring how we can work more effectively together to build resilient communities through voluntary action and social enterprise.
Join us, work with us. Let’s build a movement for change in Denbighshire.