#DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network meeting 21.11.18 - News Update
#DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network
Executive, DVSC Wednesday 21st November 2018 10am – 11.30am
Chaired by Helen Wilkinson (HW), Chief Executive, DVSC
The aim of #DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network is to proactively lead on and facilitate initiatives to improve the involvement of volunteers in Denbighshire. The group will focus on a number of key areas such as increasing the pool of volunteers, establishing good practice in relation to volunteer involvement and raising the profile of volunteering and the third sector among key stakeholders.
Membership of the Network is open to representatives of Third Sector organisations in Denbighshire and volunteers from these organisations including but not limited to DVSC members. The network is open to all third sector organisations, social enterprises and community groups operating in Denbighshire.
If you are a Partner and wish to engage DVSC and its members for feedback on an issue or service, you can contact us by emailing engagement@dvsc.co.uk to propose the agenda item. Where possible, we will facilitate partner requests by scheduling specific agenda items in an Open Session at the start of the meeting. Partners can attend for the Open Session only.
There was a full house at this meeting of the #DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network, with a great buzz in the room and some people attending for the first time. This included Julie Pierce, who has joined DVSC as our Marketing and Engagement Officer, and who was given the daunting task of writing the blog about this first meeting. The feedback following the meeting has been positive so keep spreading the word. The network is as good as we all make it!
We started the meeting with the great news that Welsh Government have approved ICF funding for DVSC’s Dementia Aware Community-Led Programme. We are one of the only Third Sector organisations to get approved as the lead by the Regional Partnership Board, and we will be working closely with the Alzheimer Society to generate leads and referrals to their accredited Dementia Friendly Communities/Dementia Friendly organisations programme in Denbighshire.
Information about the programme and launch will be sent out in January 2019. In the meantime we are advertising various job opportunities. Small grants will be available to enable Dementia Aware start up activities across Denbighshire and we will promote this opportunity in the New Year. For the first time, individuals will be eligible to apply alongside constituted groups and organisations. More details soon!
DVSC is also running a suite of training courses - for the sector by the sector – to upskill the sector, and communities about Dementia. These courses will be free to members of the public, voluntary and community groups and third sector organisations in Denbighshire. Everyone was asked to respond to the online survey DVSC has promoted to get feedback about training needs by the end of November and to ask colleagues to share among their networks.
DVSC has already re-circulated the survey to identify the training needs of the third sector in Denbighshire but there still a few days to make your voice heard! We will be looking at the survey results on Monday 3 December so do take up the chance to give us your views.
Emma Gray (EG), DVSC’s volunteering and Wellbeing Development Officer (Active Inclusion Lead) spoke about the Open Doors Club which is a volunteer led space for individuals to develop new skills and meet new people. It has been running as
a community drop in for over 2 years now with DVSC hosting and enabling activities. It has grown substantially enabled through specific project funding for additional activities and training. People are welcome to attend who need advice, support, and want to join in with an activity or just to have a cup of tea and a chat. Digital training is also available along with information on local volunteering opportunities.
Vale of Clwyd Mind and local Community Navigators have been supporters of the group and attend on a regular basis. DVSC are looking at the viability of replicating the model across Denbighshire and are currently looking at Rhyl and are eager to work in partnership to develop a cross-county presence. If anyone is interested in getting involved or has any ideas about venues please email Debbie Neale, Enterprise lead, on debbien@dvsc.co.uk
#TeamDVSC facilitated a brainstorm about the focus for the Winter
#DenbighshireVolunteers social media campaign.
To kick-start the discussion Helen Wilkinson, (HW) suggested that as Welsh Government were currently consulting on tackling loneliness and isolation, and as many charities tackle this through voluntary action and befriending activities it might make sense to focus the sending out positive messages about volunteering, looking out for your neighbours and taking an interest in your local community. Helen said that DVSC would prepare a press release, provide guidance about social media hashtags, and everyone was encouraged to give their support to and get behind the campaign. Helen asked members to customise the press release with project or organisational specific activity, but to do this as part of co-branding to strengthen awareness of the #DenbighshireVolunteers brand and to strengthen the collective voice of the sector.
This will be a Winter campaign running from the beginning of December until the end of February 2019. Please support the campaign and increase awareness on twitter and facebook by re-tweeting, re-posting and sharing with your networks.
Rod Waterfield from the Woodland Skills Centre in Bodfari delivered a talk on their facilities and what they offer, including person centred activities outdoors. To find out more about this community owned, not-for-profit organisation please follow the link: http://woodlandskillscentre.uk/
Action re emails – it was agreed that all members who attend the network are each responsible for and encouraged to share contact details. Moving forward there will be a space besides the signing in sheet for people to indicate their interest and email address for follow up, with people encouraged to take photos of this sheet. DVSC would take responsibility for promoting and sharing a photo of these via social media following on from the March meeting.
Jeff Jones (JJ) advised that the British Red Cross are running a ‘Be a Santa to a
senior’ campaign. This is being rolled out across the county and involves dropping off Christmas gifts to the more isolated and lonely senior citizens. The local fire service will be dropping off the gifts, having a chat with the recipient and performing household fire checks.
Helen talked about DVSC’s Third Sector Influencing group. Its aim is to influence partners and government on issues of collective importance to the third sector operating in Denbighshire, in all its diversity, with regular feedback and intelligence gathered from DVSC’s Membership Forum and other networks. The knowledge and views shared at Networks and Forums facilitated by DVSC alongside individual members’ networks informs the influencing process. The Group is committed to proactive feedback with the sector to ensure ongoing discussion, and as part of effective engagement and influence. DVSC also engages its members and networks through social media, online surveys and ongoing discussions.
Helen emphasised that DVSC’s role is to facilitate a space where the #DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network can meet, share best practice and network. Helen encouraged participants to be proactive in making suggestions for agenda items to workshop. The network is only as good we all collectively make it!
The draft agenda is attached. If you want to discuss your ideas, or have any agenda items please email us at julie@dvsc.co.uk.
DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network
Wednesday 21st November 2018 10am – 11.30am
Anyone interested in getting involved or partnering with DVSC to roll out the ‘Open Doors’ initiative, or has any ideas on venues please contact Debbie Neale on debbien@dvsc.co.uk. Actioned by - ALL. Deadline - Ongoing
DVSC to facilitate the sharing of contacts from the March meeting by asking all attendees to disclose contact details on a sheet for public use. Individuals to take responsibility for maximising the networking opportunities presented. Actioned by - DJ/JP. Deadline - March 2019 – all to take ownership of this
DVSC to re-circulate link to Dementia Aware training survey for feedback on training requirements. The survey will be closed at the end of November. Everyone asked to share the information to colleagues. Actioned by - DN. Action cleared - 23rd November 2018
DVSC to produce an update on the Dementia Aware Community Led programme (including the Grants opportunity) and promote through the website Blog once paperwork is finalised. .
[Longer term will provide additional information sheets as the project progresses] Actioned by - JP/LW. Deadline - By 21 December 2018
Anyone interested in finding out more about the Dementia Awareness Raising Community Led Programme, or has ideas regarding potential ideas for projects, partnerships and collaboration to contact Debbie Neale on debbien@dvsc.co.uk or phone 01824 702 441. Actioned by - ALL. Deadline - Ongoing
Infoengine - All members to list organisation services / activities / events on info engine and/or enable the info sharing between Dewis and Infoengine. For more information, follow the link here www.dvsc.co.uk/infoengine. Actioned by - ALL. Deadline - Ongoing
To keep informed and to receive information from DVSC please like follow DVSC on social media, subscribe to the blog. Actioned by - ALL. Deadline - Ongoing.
If anyone has any specific agenda items for future meeting or wants to deliver a presentation, please email – julie@dvsc.co.uk. Actioned by - ALL. Deadline - Ongoing.
All meetings to be held at DVSC, Naylor Leyland Centre unless otherwise noted.
#DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector Network 10 – 11.30am
Wednesday 20th February 2019
Membership Forum 11.40am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 20th February 2019
Wellbeing Network 1 – 4pm
Wednesday 5th December
Wednesday 13th February 2019