Wellbeing News (21) - Denbighshire Third Sector Social Prescribing update
As part of our service commitment to promoting and supporting individual and community wellbeing in the County, we share the information below with you.If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at DVSC’s Wellbeing network meetings or Membership Forum do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known. If you want to find out more about infoengine, a platform developed by the third sector for the third sector, then visit our infoengine page.
One of the advantages of being a member of Third Sector Support Wales is the opportunity DVSC has to celebrate, learn from and share best practice from our pan Wales network.
Helen Wilkinson, DVSC’s Chief Executive, was in the House of Commons recently celebrating the great work done in Wales and to network with colleagues from Swansea Council for Voluntary Services to see the impact of their New Ways to Wellbeing Social Prescribing Service with GP clusters in Swansea, get the national recognition it deserves.
DVSC is interested in discussing with Denbighshire based GP cluster leads, other public service partners, and our members how we can work together to ensure that the sector’s role in social prescribing is built into high impact service delivery models. https://www.scvs.org.uk/newwaystowellbeingcwmtawe
Contact: - helenw@dvsc.co.uk if you want to discuss how we can work together.