Wellbeing News (20) - Social Prescribing Conference Report
As part of our service commitment to promoting and supporting individual and community wellbeing in the County, we share the information below with you.If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at DVSC’s Wellbeing network meetings or Membership Forum do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known. If you want to find out more about infoengine, a platform developed by the third sector for the third sector, then visit our infoengine page.
Please read below a report from Sue's Wright, Lead on Health and Wellbeing for the Third Sector Influencing Group on the recent North Wales Social Prescribing conference.
This conference was well attended by a range of professionals from across Health, Local Authorities, Third Sector. It was split up into a number of sessions which included 2 x Learning Labs during which 10 third sector organisations gave 5 minute presentations outlining the activities they were undertaking which could be utilised by GP's seeking to implement social prescribing as a more effective method of reducing social isolation, depression and anxiety whilst at the same time potentially reducing pressures on their prescribing budget.
Three other presentations were of interest to Third Sector colleagues:
Dr Chris Stockport (newly appointed Executive Director for Primary and Community Service).
Dr Stockport emphasised his passion for Social Prescribing [SP] and stated that it is increasingly acknowledged by the GP community particularly because of the excellent, often unsolicited, patient feedback [something that rarely occurs when traditional medications are prescribed]. Research by University of Westminster indicates 28% fewer GP consultations where social prescribing services are used well.
GP's are pragmatic even if they are not fully on board. His advice to Third Sector colleagues seeking funding was to keep promoting, remain positive and perhaps most importantly of all, make it easy for GPs to access your services. GPs have only 10 minute for consultations so tend to pick the easiest option. If it is overly complex for them to refer then they will report to the prescription pad.
When evidencing the benefits don’t get too focussed upon not always being able to show detailed, quantitative evidence. Focus on service strengths: service user feedback, patient stories / videos, and opportunities to help with a range of ancillary problems. Don’t need to be a brain surgeon or have a complex calculation to demonstrate the simple actions that can provide benefits call out the common sense and the glaring obvious. Non-medical people can provide benefits by the very virtue of being non-medical people! Give feedback in an unashamed way.
Clinicians understand the work prescribing and feel more comfortable signing up to it so use the term Social Prescribing wherever possible .
Social Prescribing Education Wrexham Glyndwr University - Nina Ruddle (Head of Public Policy Engagement)
Glyndwr University are seeking to develop a standalone Social Prescribing Module as part of their Bsc (Hons) Mental Health and Wellbeing programme. This module will generate 20 credits and will comprise 36 contact hours / teaching time over 4 days. The University is looking for a cohort of 20 SP practitioners to test the module contents.
I have requested further which I will share as soon as it is to hand.
Evaluation & Impact/Capturing the skills needed - Dr Carolyn Wallace - Chair of All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network.
All Wales Research Network and WCVA co chair the SP Research Network.This network is committed to support and assist 3rd sector organisations to develop their evaluation methods.
There is an invitation to take part in a study to identify the skills required to become a social prescriber - to be critical friends. This will involve 3 x 20 minute online activities to try to establish the baseline for SP education in Wales. Interested practitioners should log their interest with : carolyn.wallace@southwales.ac.uk
Useful reports mentioned:
How to Create A Sustainable Journey: https://www.iwa.wales/click/2018/10/social-prescribing-how-to-create-a-sustainable-journey/
Glass Half Full:
Making sense of Social Prescribing {2017} University of Westminster
2025 - Tackling Avoidable Health Inequalities in North Wales by 2025: