Sector Support (30) - Webinar: Funding for the Environment and Health
As part of our Sector Support service, we share information which we hope you will find helpful and interesting. We welcome opportunities to work in partnership, so if you are a member or partner with suggestions about services or training that would enhance our offer to members and the social enterprise sector in Denbighshire, then contact us. In the meantime, read more here and join us as a voice for change in Denbighshire…
Webinar: Funding for the Environment and Health
Do you want to enhance natural resources and support communities in Wales? Find out more about new Welsh Government grant funding from WCVA's webinar on the 13.11.18 at 2pm.
Welsh Government has recently launched two new grants schemes that support the delivery of key elements of the Programme for Government as set out in Taking Wales Forward and Prosperity for All, while supporting delivery of specific policies relating to health and natural resources in an integrated way.
In each case, the new grants focus on encouraging collaborative projects that will deliver a range of multiple benefits and improved outcome across the well-being goals, leading to longer term sustainability and new models of delivery. The teams operating the grants will continue to work closely to ensure that clear links between the schemes and the activities they support are made. By the end of this webinar you will understand what the funds are about and whether it is suitable for your group to apply. This webinar is also an opportunity to ask questions about the funding and application process. To book please click the link: This webinar will be delivered in English but contributions and questions are welcomed in Welsh or English.