Influencing Opportunity (16) - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
A message from The Bevan Foundation
A picture of poverty in Wales
Today, as the World marks International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we're appealing for your support to eradicate poverty in Wales. Our latest poverty stats paint a damning picture of the current situation; hundreds of thousands of children missing out on a basic healthy diet, 1 in 5 adults being paid below the real living wage and a shocking level of in-work poverty. We can fix this. With your help, we can spread the word and persuade the right decision-makers to make the changes Wales desperately needs. Can you spare £3.25 a month to help us paint a better picture of Wales? If you start supporting us before 16th November, we'll send you a free pack of 8 beautiful 'Pictures of Wales' greetings cards. And you'll also get:
a subscription to Exchange - Wales' best policy and politics magazine
access to our special reports, and
opportunities to engage with and influence our network.
With your support we can ensure everyone has the opportunity to have a decent standard of living: that they can meet their basic needs of adequate shelter, food and warmth but also enjoy the things that make Wales such a great place to live. Please start donating just £3.25 a month today. Thank you. Victoria Winckler
Director Bevan Foundation
As part of our commitment to influencing and engaging, we share the information below with you.
If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at one of DVSC’s network meetings or Membership Forum do let us know.