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Wellbeing News (11) - North Wales Social Prescribing Gathering 25.10.18

As part of our service commitment to promoting and supporting individual and community wellbeing in the County, we share the information below with you.If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at DVSC’s Wellbeing network meetings or Membership Forum do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known. If you want to find out more about infoengine, a platform developed by the third sector for the third sector, then visit our infoengine page.


North Wales Social Prescribing Communities of Practice Gathering

25 October (8:30 - 13:00) St Asaph

There is a significant amount of ‘Social Prescribing’ projects being delivered across our region and a strong focus from policy, commissioners/funders and public services to deliver a new models to support health and wellbeing. This gathering is a follow on from the Social Prescribing Conference in 2017 led by 2025 and BCUHB, and will link to other CoP in Wales to form a national network, it will also link to the all Wales Social Prescribing Research network. The idea to develop a shared platform for learning and connecting across our sector and professional boundaries that enquires how we can be effective in our roles. Aim - We want to create a dynamic learning community, made up of people with a shared passion for delivering social prescribing across North Wales, reflecting and working together on the things that matter to us and that support and develop a positive impact on health and well being of our communities. Who is it for? - It is for everyone involved in delivering, commissioning, measuring or working in developing social prescribing across the region from public, private and third sector.

To book your place please click here

Have your say…….we need you! A Community of Practice is a gathering of people with a shared passion in what they do and is an informal way of sharing information and learning. Within the day, there will be up to six 5 minute slots for anyone that wants to share a 5 min (maximum) talk, presentation, slides that set out your story, ideas, challenges, energy, failures, successes and approaches with delivering and supporting models of social prescribing (and other terms) across our region. Whatever you think is useful to a wider community to learn and share….this is a first come first serve approach and we want to provide as many opportunities as we can to share and learn from each other. If you are interested in sharing please fill in your topic/title in the relevant box in the booking system so that we can contact you to arrange. The deadline for this is 11th October.

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