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Wellbeing Network 19.9.18 - News Update

Thanks to all who attended the Denbighshire Wellbeing Network on 19th September. All presentations from the meeting are available here

The Network is an open meeting for third sector organisations, Denbighshire County Council, other public sector organisations and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to share information on local, regional and national initiatives. It provides an opportunity to raise issues and explore opportunities for joint working and meaningful collaborations.

In the meantime, read on to find out what we discussed, and what actions we agreed!

During the meeting we gave a briefing on Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) Third Sector Strategy Consultation process. BCUHB want to develop this Strategy to be consistent with their three year plan 2019-21. The engagement process commenced in August 2018, feedback deadline by late autumn, draft proposals January 2019, finalised March 2019. A discussion was had on the previous draft Third Sector Strategy 2014-18 action plan and whether the actions had been achieved. The BCUHB presentation on the new draft strategy and engagement timeframe is here.

Key actions agreed in relation to this agenda item were:

  • DVSC to contact Sally Baxter, BCUHB to attend the next Wellbeing Network on Wednesday 5th December. Actioned - Sally has confirmed she or a senior colleague from BCUHB will attend the 5 December meeting

  • DVSC to seek clarification from Sally Baxter, BCUHB as to whether there will be a more detailed draft strategy document to respond to (above and beyond the power point) and the timeframe for this. Actioned – engagement over the next few months will inform the preparation of a draft paper by BCUHB before the end of the year. Sally has confirmed that this will be shared for wider circulation as soon as possible. The aspiration is that this document will be worked on collaboratively with the third sector.

  • DVSC to seek clarification from Sally Baxter, BCUHB as to whether there had been a review of performance against the priorities set in the 2014-2018 draft third sector strategy, and what priorities have been dealt with versus those that remain priorities. Actioned – BCUHB have confirmed that this has not progressed as formally as it should in part due to changing personnel roles. It is recognised that there has been a great deal of work with the sector in the interim, with further work to be done to strengthen relationships and progress and develop the strategic role and partnership with the third sector further.

  • DVSC to conduct an online survey and open engagement process with members via email, social media and various networks/Forums in Autumn-Spring on key themes and use the intelligence gathered to inform our ongoing feedback to BCUHB in the spirit of co-production. Members/interested parties are encouraged to email Sue Wright, Health, Social Care and Wellbeing lead for the Third Sector Influencing Group, on and to provide case studies, comments and views to integrate into a response DVSC will coordinate on behalf of the third sector. Sue is also a member of BCUHB’s Stakeholder Forum on behalf of DVSC/third sector in Denbighshire and can provide further feedback at these meetings. The Wellbeing Network on the 13th February will be the final meeting to formally sign off on DVSC’s engagement/response to the consultation process. Other networks such as the #DenbighshireVolunteers network will be asked to provide feedback on specific aspects – e.g. Volunteering – during the engagement window. Deadline – online survey to be distributed in November, to gather initial views, with engagement and feedback from now to March 2019;

In addition, there were presentations on the following:

Info Engine – its purpose and the promotion of it. Infoengine is THE online directory of voluntary sector services for Wales that helps citizens, groups and professionals to find out what services are available to support people in your area. Infoengine powering the profile and awareness of third sector services in Denbighshire and throughout Wales now has an information sharing link with Dewis Cymru. If you are already registered on Dewis Cymru – click the information share button and it will display your information on Infoengine

The key action agreed in relation to this agenda item was:

  • All members to list organisation services / activities / events on info engine and/or enable info sharing between Dewis and Infoengine. For more information, follow the link here. Deadline – Ongoing

STAND – ‘Stronger Together for Additional Needs and Disabilities’ in North Wales by Yvonne Brookes & Sarah McCulloch. A new organisation set up to support families of children and young adults with SLCN in North Wales. Current activities include: Parent support group – Starts in Llangollen in October; Makaton practice sessions every month in Old Colwyn that are open to Denbighshire parents; Training for parents / carers and professionals (examples of current training includes Makaton beginners, Cued Articulation; Peep Evidence Based: Learning Together programs (Baby, Toddler and Nursery school); Early Years Speech and Language conference in October with key note speakers; Family days (funding permitted): held one in August at Bodelwyddan Castle with activities on offer for the families. Future developments: Make it sessions, Parent support groups across Denbighshire and 1-1 support particularly in the Rhyl and Denbigh areas, Lending library of specialist equipment, books, resources and sensory and educational toys.

Denbigh Mens Shed – Four solid Years of Shed by Nathan Sarea, “To help Men of all ages to improve their quality of life by providing safe and friendly spaces where they can use their skills to make things, contribute to the Community and receive support from the Denbigh Men’s Shed Team - as well as from each other…” The Shed is open to all men, 18 and over, it offers an Inclusive approach to Well-being & individuals with mental health challenges, it offers a diverse range of activities on site including gardening, access to a community wellbeing shed, and workshop activities. They have a Pop Up shop in Denbigh and have attended local events such as Llangollen Bike Fest. They are open 52 weeks a year, with an average attendance of 25-30 people with regular 2 days of activity a week. People attending feel they are on average 24 times more engaged in life, as a result….. They are 23 times LESS lonely; they are 15% happier in life; Effective at reducing Depression – 89%; Effective at reducing Anxiety – 72%.

‘Health & Wellbeing Offer in Denbighshire Libraries & One Stop Shops’ by Bethan Hughes, Customers, Communication and Marketing, Denbighshire County Council spoke about the revamped spaces in Denbighshire Libraries including the services available. These include in addition to book lending, light airy spaces, free Internet access, help to get online, free public and DCC Wifi, printing and scanning. The libraries host the Talking Points, IAS drop in sessions and Working Denbighshire. Other services available include: Housebound Library Service – monthly service; Borrow Box – Your Library in one app. - borrow, download and enjoy! – Includes audio books; ‘Rhyme Time’ in the libraries for children; Reading Well – Books on Prescription. The first in the series is on dementia – all the books are recommended and endorsed by health professionals. Individuals can be referred by a doctor, other health professional or self-refer. New activities include: Social opportunities to combat loneliness e.g. games; Lego Club – Saturday morning, parent and child in Prestatyn and Ruthin; Reading groups for specific needs (visual impairment, dementia); Carers’ collection; Dementia Friendly Communities and Volunteering opportunities at the libraries for work placements.

Flu Immunisation by Jackie Irwin, Senior Public Health Practitioner & Leigh Pusey Immunisation Coordinator – Central Area, Public Health Wales. Spoke about the uptake of the different target age groups which are: over 65’s, 6 months to 64 years – chronic conditions, Pregnant women, Staff and Children. How flu is spread, the challenges on how the vaccine is implemented across the area, and the facts about flu – dispelling the myths. They also spoke about how and what we can do to support uptake of individuals having the flu vaccine. We can raise awareness of the flu vaccine by: Encouraging settings to display flu vaccine promotion materials – bilingual resources are available to download or order online - (allow 4 weeks for delivery); Encourage staff to raise the issue of the flu vaccine, as appropriate, with parents - encourage uptake and allay fears.

Woodland Skills Centre, Book of You, Grwp Cynefin and Karma Wellbeing also gave updates on their activities and services.


Dates for your diaries:

STAND have an Auction of Promises on the 15th November at Boderw in St. Asaph for more information please contact Sarah on 0779 998 708 or Yvonne or 07826 108 273 or email


The remaining Action points from the meeting held on Wednesday September 19th were for everyone to take responsibility for keeping informed, sharing information and encouraging others to get involved.

  • If anyone has any specific agenda items for future meeting or wants to deliver a presentation at the next meeting please email – The draft agenda is available to review here. Deadline – Ongoing

  • If you have news, information or case studies you want to share, email us – and we can promote the information via our blog, social media or include in the next edition of the Wellbeing Bulletin. Deadline 28th September 2018

As the membership body for the third sector in Denbighshire, and the leadership body promoting wellbeing, voluntary action and social enterprise in Denbighshire, we very much welcome your views and opinions on key issues.

We would also love to increase the number of participants attending this Network, so join us and become part of a movement for change in Denbighshire.

The next meeting of the Wellbeing network is 5 Dec at 1pm – 4pm at DVSC Offices, Ruthin. Please email to confirm attendance and please encourage others to come along.

In the meantime, keep connected, and please spread the message about all the great work being done by DVSC, and its members to enhance individual and collective wellbeing in the County.

Best wishes


As part of our service commitment to promoting and supporting individual and community wellbeing in the County, we share the information below with you.If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at DVSC’s Wellbeing network meetings or Membership Forum do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known. If you want to find out more about infoengine, a platform developed by the third sector for the third sector, then visit our infoengine page.

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