DVSC launches the improved #DenbighshireVolunteers Bulletin
As part of our engagement with our members, we will be producing a 5 monthly #DenbighshireVolunteers Bulletin covering topics including: local news, events & activities; information on volunteering; volunteer stories and ways you can engage with us to get your voice heard.
For more information on volunteering in Denbighshire and other DVSC services, Join us if you aren’t already a Member and visit our Volunteer Hub section.
See below a snippet of what is included. if you'd like to read the bulletin in full please click here:
Get Involved
If you are interested in volunteering, you can register your interest at www.denbighshirevolunteers.net/get-involved
You can also look at the volunteer opportunities available to you in Denbighshire, be inspired by other volunteer stories and find out about the campaigns we’re involved in.
If you have a specific interest and want more personalised advice and support, contact our office on 01824 702 441 and speak to one of our Volunteering and Wellbeing Development Officers or email volunteer@dvsc.co.uk
As part of our commitment to #DenbighshireVolunteers and as the leadership body, and hub for best practice in volunteering in the County, we share the information below with you. If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at the #DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector network or DVSC’s Membership Forum do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known.