Wellbeing News (9) - North Wales 3rd Annual Autism Conference 19.10.18
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North Wales 3rd Annual Autism Conference
Catrin finch centre, Glyndwr university, Wrexham, LL11 2AW
Friday, 19th October, 2018 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
The North Wales Autism Conference at Glyndwr University is now in its third year and is organised by a group of Autistic individuals and parents.
They work co-productively with educators, researchers and specialists working in the field of autism, to provide credible information. This event is an opportunity to hear their experiences and access their knowledge, about how we can work in partnership to reduce the barriers within education, employment, healthcare and social situations which will enable individuals to progress in every area, and therefore improve self-esteem, confidence and develop opportunities to feel valued, understood and included in society.
FREE Exhibition and trade stand area open to members of the public all day with trade stands available for businesses, charities and local organisations.
tickets on sale at:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/north-wales-3rd-annual-autism-conference-tickets-46838312654 and for Conference enquiries please contact 01978 293494 or email conference@glyndwr.ac.uk
For trade stand enquiries contact 01352 703055 or email aaas.flintshire@gmail.com