Sector Support (14) - ACT – Action Counter Terrorism Awareness training 6.11.18 provided by DVSC
ACT – Action Counter Terrorism Awareness training 6.11.18
We are hosting an ACT (Action Counter Terrorism) Awareness training session on the 6th of November 10am - 12pm.
Communities defeat terrorism. With the enduring terrorist threat, it is now more important than ever that everyone plays their part in tackling terrorism.
The aim of ACT is to:
Help understand the threat from terrorism to the UK
Guide individuals on what to do if they find themselves involved in a terrorist incident or events that lead up to a planned attack
Enable people to recognise and report suspicious activity
The free ACT training is presented by a Counter Terrorism Awareness Advisor delivering a range of Counter Terrorism awareness modules over two hours.
if you would like to attend the training session please click here
As part of our Sector Support service, we share information which we hope you will find helpful and interesting. We welcome opportunities to work in partnership, so if you are a member or partner with suggestions about services or training that would enhance our offer to members and the social enterprise sector in Denbighshire, then contact us. In the meantime, read more here and join us as a voice for change in Denbighshire…