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Membership Forum 5.9.18 - News Update

Thanks to all who attended the Membership Forum on 5th September.

The Forum aims to create a shared space where DVSC members can come together, exchange ideas, share knowledge and best practice, discuss issues of mutual concern, and develop the third sector voice.

We discussed the agenda items and shared intelligence and views including providing feedback about recent engagement between DVSC’s Third Sector Influencing Group and Denbighshire County Council. We also agreed on the issues to be raised further with Denbighshire County Council and other public sector partners in the coming months.

We will shortly be sending out a survey asking for your views on:

  • Working Denbighshire Paper

  • BCUHB Draft Third Sector Strategy

As the membership body for the third sector in Denbighshire, and the leadership body promoting voluntary action and social enterprise in Denbighshire, we very much welcome your views and opinions on the key issues and would love to increase the number of participants attending this Forum, so join us and become part of a movement for change in Denbighshire.

If you have agenda items that you would like included for the next meeting please do let us know.

Membership Forum 5.9.18 Action Points

  • The Third Sector Influencing Group (TSIG) met with Denbighshire County Council (DCC) on 23rd July. DVSC will share DCC’s Draft Working Denbighshire paper with members for comment. These comments will be filtered and fed back to DCC. Deadline - 12/09/18 - Actioned

  • DVSC will send out a survey gathering views on the Draft Working Denbighshire paper and gather the responses in order to feedback to DCC on behalf of Third Sector organisations in Denbighshire. Deadline - Early October 2018

  • Following the last TSIG, DVSC has asked DCC to revisit the funding paper they prepared and provide more information. Once finalised, this paper will be shared with DVSC members. Deadline - Once completed by DCC

  • RW agreed to write a briefing about this issue which DVSC will share with members for comment then take to TSIG for further discussion. Deadline - 14/09/18 - Actioned

  • BCUHB have a draft Third Sector Strategy and want input from the third sector. DVSC will circulate to members and have a closed half hour meeting ahead of the next Wellbeing Network. Comments will be fed back to BCUHB. Deadline - 12/09/18 - Actioned

  • We welcome agenda items for the next meeting of the Membership Forum, please send them ahead of the next meeting to Deadline - 09/11/18

To View the Draft Agenda for the next meeting on Wednesday 21st November please click here

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