#DenbighshireVolunteers (2) - Understand and Engage with 21st century volunteers
As part of our commitment to #DenbighshireVolunteers and as the leadership body, and hub for best practice in volunteering in the County, we share the information below with you. If you believe this is a priority area for further discussion at the #DenbighshireVolunteers Third Sector network or DVSC’s Membership Forum do let us know. In the meantime, please read on, and make your views known.
Message from WCVA - Understand and Engage with 21st century volunteers
The WCVA are delighted to be able to welcome Rob Jackson back to Wales to deliver training sessions for volunteer managers in October.
Often there is little time amidst the busy day to day work to lift your head above the parapet and think more broadly or deeply about your role as volunteer manager.
Rob Jackson has been working in the field for more than two decades and has gained an international reputation as a speaker, thinker, blog writer and trainer of all matters volunteering. He is a motivational trainer and many enjoyed the sessions that he delivered, in North and South Wales, several years ago, when he prompted our thinking about 'how to turn your organisation into a volunteer magnet'.
This time, the training will look at two topical issues.
How to understand and engage better with today's volunteers
How to bring influence to bear for effective change
If this sounds attractive to you, take a further look here, where you will also find booking information.
These training sessions are warmly supported by the Volunteering Wales Network - a national network of volunteering practitioners which meets to discuss issues of volunteering practice and developments. They are likely to prove popular, so book your place before it is too late.
For more information contact Fiona Liddell fliddell@wcva.org.uk or visit the training page