Sector Support (6) - Call out for nominations to WCVA Board
As part of our Sector Support service, we share information which we hope you will find helpful and interesting. We welcome opportunities to work in partnership, so if you are a member or partner with suggestions about services or training that would enhance our offer to members and the social enterprise sector in Denbighshire, then contact us. In the meantime, read more here and join us as a voice for change in Denbighshire…
Call out for nominations to WCVA Board
There are currently 8 vacant places on the Board of the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)
WCVA Members may nominate up to two people. Nominees can be from any organisation, they do not have to be members of WCVA.
The consent of the nominee/s and the agreement of another member as seconder must also be obtained.
If you would like to make a nomination to the WCVA Board then please email and ask for nomination forms.
The closing date for receipt of nominations is Friday 14 September 2018