Sector Support (3) - Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Training
As part of our Sector Support service, we share information which we hope you will find helpful and interesting. We welcome opportunities to work in partnership, so if you are a member or partner with suggestions about services or training that would enhance our offer to members and the social enterprise sector in Denbighshire, then contact us. In the meantime, read more here and join us as a voice for change in Denbighshire…
AI Champions Programme in partnership with DVSC
3-day open course in Ruthin, North Wales
on the 17/18/19th October 2018
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) engages people in a process of change and improvement that builds on the best of what is already there to create a shared vision and action plan for the future. Problems and issues are addressed, but in a solution focused way. AI can be used in a range of ways including:-
Organisational development and improvement
New project development
Service review and reorganisation
Community engagement and development
Person Centred Planning and other individual development programmes
Coaching and supervision
Co-production events
The course is delivered by Roger Rowett. Roger has worked mainly within social care and education for over 30 years, including two inspectorates in Wales (CSIW and Estyn). He has used AI extensively in his independent work for the past 10+ years, both facilitating the process and training others.
Clients have included Local Authorities in Wales and England, Third Sector organisations, Public Health Wales, NHS Health Boards, Care Council for Wales, NLIAH (National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Health), FE managers, National Museums of Wales, PSMW and Chwarae Teg. Roger has also written a book and a number of other publications on AI.
At the end of the course participants will:
Understand the theory of AI and how this relates to the way we work and develop;
Understand the 5D cycle and how to apply it in practice;
Understand how AI can be used to implement co-productive events;
Be able to use AI to engage in a meaningful way with your workforce, customers and other key stakeholders;
Be able to bring about sustainable change and improvement.
The course is highly participative in relation to both the theory and practice. There is a focus on group reflection to explore the principles underpinning AI and participants will be taken through a real scenario in order to experience and understand the full 5D cycle (this is the methodology that underpins AI)
For a copy of the Booking form please click here
For further details contact Roger Rowett at and visit our website for more information at