Talking Points (1) - September 2018
As part of our service commitment to promoting and supporting individual and community wellbeing, DVSC is a lead Partner in promoting Talking Points. Talking Points is a way for people to find out what help is available to support their health and well-being in their local area.
Talking Points
Click here to see the Talking Points Calendar for September 2018
Talking Points are held in local community venues across the county where you can have a face to face conversation about what matters and is important to you.
People from a range of local organisations will be on hand to offer information, advice or assistance.
If you or someone you know needs information, advice or assistance pop into your local Talking Point
For more information click here or watch the video on Talking Points
Talking Points also provide an opportunity for people to:
Come along and explain what they feel is missing in their local community that could make a difference to their health and well-being.
Get involved and share their knowledge, skills, experiences and time to improve the well-being of others in their community.
Click here to see the Talking Points Calendar for September 2018