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Sector Support (2) - DVSC Learning and Development update

DVSC Learning and Development update

Greetings from #SectorSupport Denbighshire.

We’re a small team but we are proud to say that we have delivered a big impact when it comes to Learning and Development opportunities in the last year.

DVSC delivered a wide range of training opportunities in the last year, running 34 courses, involving 343 participants. We delivered these learning opportunities in consultation and discussion with our team, volunteers, members and the Sector as a whole about what they needed most.

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In June, we hosted a range of activities thanks to grant awards from the Learning and Work Institute which enabled us to offer FREE learning activities in Adult Learners Week with DVSC’s Festival of FREE Learning continuing until 20 July.

Looking forward, we’re keen to develop a training offer which is both relevant, innovative and exciting so we’re inviting ideas if there’s something you would like to see included in 2018-2019.

Please contact us: and let us know what training you need and if we can put it on for you, we will. We’re keen to meet the needs of the sector and to work in partnership so therefore welcome feedback and ideas to inform our learning and development plan going forward.

We also share information about other learning and development opportunities via email, facebook and twitter. So join as a member, follow us on twitter, like our facebook page, subscribe for our news updates, or check out our training calendar, and you will find out about these and other learning and development opportunities as soon as we share.

Finally, we can provide bespoke and customised training for members and public service partners and small businesses on request. Contact our Enterprise Development Officer, Debbie Neale on if you have a training need and think we might be able to help you as an organisation.

As part of our Sector Support service, we share information which we hope you will find helpful and interesting. We welcome opportunities to work in partnership, so if you are a member or partner with suggestions about services or training that would enhance our offer to members and the social enterprise sector in Denbighshire, then contact us. In the meantime, read more here and join us as a voice for change in Denbighshire…

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